The Letters A and O are sacred in Freemasonry

The Letters A and O are sacred in Freemasonry  

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated August 4th, 2011  

 ADNAN OKTAR: Well, this may probably in excite some people a lot but let me tell it anyway; I have received a letter from the masons, I mean from those, high degree Mason [friends] who are Masters. They said that the letters A and O are sacred in Freemasonry. The letters A and O.. "The letter A symbolizes the compass," they say.  And "the letter O  symbolizes the eternity sign drawn by the compass," they say. So they symbolize eternity and the world being put into an order, the world taken under control, the world being managed; in general it symbolizes the management, I mean the governing of the world. They have sent me an explanation similar to this.

This also has a place in the Gospel; the letters A and O are mentioned as the letters Alpha and Omega. The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) says; "I am the Alpha and the Omega." Meaning the eternity. But of course this is how it is -we need to make an explanation here- Muslims live in the eternity, the eternity belongs to Allah but Muslims do have endless lives.  The letters Alpha and Omega make such an implication. Of course if some of the explanations in the Gospel were to be properly explained and told to the Christians, their going astray would be prevented insha'Allah. But the belief of trinity is of course not acceptable. The Oneness of Allah is obvious; I mean even a kid would know this; it is obvious that there would not be three Allah. But in the meantime we have thus imparted one more secret of Freemasonry, insha'Allah.  

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