Important explanations from Surat al-Qasas regarding the Prophet Moses (pbuh)
Important explanations from Surat al-Qasas regarding the Prophet Moses (pbuh)
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live
Interview on A9 TV dated September 18th, 2011
ADNAN OKTAR: Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
GUEST: Surat al-Qasas
ADNAN OKTAR: Surat al-Qasas, which page?
GUEST: It is the 387th page
ADNAN OKTAR: You read from the verses.
GUEST: Shall read
in Turkish Master?
ADNAN OKTAR: Yes read in Turkish
GUEST: Insha'Allah. I seek refuge with Allah from the cursed satan. [Surat
Al-Qasas, 23-26] "When he arrived
at the water of Madyan, he found a crowd of people drawing water there.
Standing apart from them, he found two women, holding back their sheep. He
said, 'What are you two doing here?' They said, 'We cannot draw water until the
shepherds have driven off their sheep. You see our father is a very old man.'
So he drew water for them and then withdrew into the shade and said, 'My Lord,
I am truly in need of any good You have in store for me.'"
"One of them came walking shyly up
to him and said, 'My father invites you so that he can pay you your wage for
drawing water for us.' When he came to him and told him the whole story he
said, 'Have no fear, you have escaped from wrongdoing people.' One of them
said, 'Hire him, father. The best person to hire is someone strong and
ADNAN OKTAR: Look, now I am explaining a point that I have
explained many times before. Those women looked very carefully to the Prophet
Moses (pbuh). And he carefully looked at them as well. And they have concluded
that the Prophet Moses (pbuh) is very sturdy. Secondly; they have spoken to him and they
have concluded that he is trustworthy. With his expression, with his speaech
they have concluded he is trustworthy. This is the verse of the Qur'an.
ADNAN OKTAR: Why would a person be regarded as trustworthy?
Because he is faithful. Why do those women love the Prophet Moses (pbuh)?
Because of his faith which is also the reason why he is trustworthy.So what is
the reason for love? It is faith. Yes, let us continue.
Surat al-Qasas; 27-32] "He said, 'I would like to marry you to one of
these two daughters of mine on condition that you work for me for eight full
years. If you complete ten, that is up to you. I do not want to be hard on you.
You will find me, Allah willing, to be one of the salihun.'"
said, 'That is agreed between me and you. Whichever of the two terms I fulfil,
there should be no bad feeling towards me. Allah is Guardian over what we say.'"
ADNAN OKTAR: Okay. Let us continue
GUEST: "When Moses had
fulfilled the appointed term and had set off with his family, he noticed a fire
from one side of the Mount. He said to his family, 'Stay here, I can see a
fire. Hopefully I will bring you back some news from it or a burning branch
from the fire so that you will be able to warm yourselves.'"
when he reached it a voice called out to him from the right hand side of the
valley in the part which was full of blessing, from out of the bush: 'Moses, I
am Allah, the Lord of all the worlds."
down your staff!' Then when he he saw
it slithering like a snake he turned and fled and did not turn back again. 'Moses,
approach and have no fear! You are one of those who are secure."
"Put your hand inside your shirt
front. It will emerge pure white yet quite unharmed. And hug your arms to your
sides to still your fear. These are two proofs from your Lord for Pharaoh and
his ruling circle. They are a deviant people.'"
ADNAN OKTAR: Why do they have
weak faith? And why is there a need for miracles? Because the most important
matter is to show and explain the signs leading to faith to people. Why does
Almighty Allah want him to throw his staff? Why does He want them to witness a
staff turning into a snake? Because those people believe in evolution. They are
poisoned by their faith in evolution and they do not believe, they are
atheists. Allah wants them to be saved from atheism and turn to the belief in
Creation, belief in the Creation of Allah. That is why He creates proof. Yes, let
us continue.
GUEST: Masha'Allah.
ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah.
GUEST: [Surat
al-Qasas; 33-35] "He said, 'My Lord, I killed one of them and I am
afraid they will kill me; and my brother Aaron is more eloquent than me so send
him with me to support me and back me up. I am afraid they will call me a
said, 'We will reinforce you with your brother and by Our Signs will give you
both authority, so that they will not be able to lay a hand on you. You and
those who follow you will be the victors.'"
ADNAN OKTAR: Yes, the party of Allah
will be victorious, insha'Allah.
GUEST: [Surat
al-Qasas; 36] "But
when Moses brought them Our Clear Signs they said, 'This is nothing but
trumped-up magic. We never heard anything like this among our earlier
ADNAN OKTAR: What is this? It is weakness of faith.
What are the evidences, miracles shown there? The evidence that will reinforce
their faith, that will convice them in mind and heart. What is the subject? How
to remove the weakness of faith.. It is explicitly seen that we are on the
right path. Yes, let us continue.
GUEST: [Surat al-Qasas; 37,38] "Moses said, 'My Lord knows
best who has come with guidance from Him and who will have the best Home in the
end. The wrongdoers will certainly not be successful.'"
said, 'Council, I do not know of any other god for you apart from me. Haman,
kindle a fire for me over the clay and build me a lofty tower so that perhaps I
may be able to climb up to Moses's God! I consider him a blatant liar.'"
ADNAN OKTAR: Again due to weakness of faith; due to
the materialist mindset, it is seen that he [the Pharaoh] faces a deadlock and
utters nonsensical logic. Just as how Darwinists talk nonsense, he talks
nonsense there as well.
GUEST: [Surat
al-Qasas;39] "He and his troops were arrogant in the land without any
right. They thought that they would not return to Us."
ADNAN OKTAR: Disbelievers have always tried to
supress people with military power. There is reference to this fact in the
GUEST: [Surat al-Qasas; 40-43] "So We seized him and his
troops and flung them into the sea. See the final fate of the wrongdoers!"
"We made them leaders, summoning to
the Fire, and on the Day of Rising they will not be helped."
"We pursued them with a curse in
this world and on the Day of Rising they will be hideous and spurned."
"We gave
Moses the Book after destroying the earlier nations, to awaken people's hearts
and as a guidance and a mercy so that hopefully they would pay heed."
ADNAN OKTAR: Allah praises the Torah there. Read that verse
GUEST: Masha'Allah.
[Surat al-Qasas; 43] "We gave Moses the Book after destroying the
earlier nations, to awaken people's hearts and as a guidance and a mercy so
that hopefully they would pay heed."
ADNAN OKTAR: So this Book is not completely lost. The right
parts are still valid.
Hz. Mehdi (a.s.)’ın Talebelerinin Üstün Özellikleri 5. Bölüm
Hz. Mehdi (a.s.)’ın Talebelerinin Üstün
5. Bölüm
Büyük Bir Kısmı Hz. Mehdi (a.s.) ve Talebelerinden Uzak Duracaklardır
Bir hadiste, insanların büyük bölümünün Hz. Mehdi
(a.s.)’ın talebelerinin imanlarını gereği gibi takdir edemeyeceklerine şöyle
dikkat çekilmiştir.
Hz. Mehdi (a.s.) cemaati
pek çok iftiraya, zorluğa ve sıkıntıya maruz kalacaktır.
Bu nedenle menfaatlerinin zarar görmesi korkusuyla insanların çoğunluğu Hz.
Mehdi (a.s.) ve cemaatine yaklaşmayacaklardır.
Buyurdu ki:
"Onları yeryüzünün kenarlarında ara. ONLARIN YAŞANTILARI SADEDİR,
(Şeyh Muhammed b. İbrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani, s. 238)
ADNAN OKTAR: Peygamberimiz (s.a.v)’den rivayet. “Onları
yeryüzünün kenarlarında ara. Onların yaşantıları sadedir, evleri
sırtlarındadır.” Bugün orada, ertesi gün başka bir yerde, sabit durmuyorlar,
dünyanın her yerine gidiyorlar. O kendi arkadaşının evine gidiyor, o onun
arkadaşının evine gidiyor. “Eğer hazır olsalar tanınmazlar.” Kim bunlar,
diyorlar, haşa, tanımıyor adam, bilmez. “Eğer kaybolsa da aranmazlar.” Değer
verilmedikleri için aranmıyorlar, aramaya gerek yok, zaten daha iyi, diyorlar.
“Hasta olsalar kimse onların ziyaret gelmez.” Muhatap dahi olmaz insanlar
onlarla. “Eğer evlenmek isterlerse kimse onlara gelmez.” Aman delirdin mi
kardeşim, başını belaya mı sokacaksın, olur mu, onlarla evlenilir mi? Sakın,
yakarsın sakın, diyorlar. Kim söylüyor evlenmeyeceklerini, Peygamberimiz
söylüyor. Mehdi (a.s.)’ın talebeleri ile evlenmeye yanaşmayacaklar, tehlikeli
gördükleri için. Çıkarları ile çatışacaklar çünkü, nefsani, dünyevi çıkarları
ile çatışacak. Gelecek düşüncesiyle yaklaşmayacaklar. “Eğer evlenmek isteseler
kimse onlara gelmez. Eğer ölseler, cenazelerine kimse katılmaz.” Aman kardeşim
cenazede tanınırız manınırız, sakın ismimiz onlarla çıkmasın, kenarda duralım,
aman, diyorlar, öyledir. “Onlar mallarını aralarında eşit olarak paylaşırlar.”
Evi mi var, adam satıyor. Arabası mı var, adam satıyor yahut varsa araba hep
beraber kullanalım, diyor. Evi mi var, kullanın Allah yolunda, fisebilillah,
benim değil diyor araba, Allah’ın, Allah için veriyorum arabamı, kullanın. Ev?
Ev de Allah’ın evi, alın istediğiniz gibi kullanın, mal hırsı yok. Ki ahir
zamanda deccaliyetin en körükleyeceği şey mal ve dünya hırsıdır. Mehdi (a.s.)
talebelerinde bu yok. “Ve birbirlerini kabirlerinde ziyaret ederler.” Demek ki
aralarında vefat edenler olacak, kabirlerini ziyaret edecekler. “Ayrı
şehirlerde olsalar dahi istekleri hep aynıdır.” Sanki hiç ayrı değillermiş
gibi, mesela kimi Bağdat’ta oluyor, kimi başka yerde oluyor, hiç ayrıymış gibi
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
ahir zaman,
altın çağ,
türk islam birliği
Wonders can be realized when thought about thoroughly
Wonders can be realized when thought about thoroughly
from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 12th,
instance, at the moment the world is a giant mass of stones in the space, the
world is a mass of soil in a spherical shape, and we are traveling at an
incomprehensible speed in an immense darkness. I mean there is no captain.. The
airplanes have captains, they have radars. They have that and this. But this
one does not have any of it. Allah is the Captain of the world. And it is a
thousand times, a million times more complex than the air traffic. The meteors
pass by it; there are a thousand and one different types of incidents. It
passes by black holes. There are all sorts of incidents. But nothing happens.
Even in traffic, cars bump into each other or into something, something
happens, this or that, right? But here, nothing happens. Is there even the
slightest tremor in the world? No. Underneath, the world is full of magma, I
mean it is a boiling cauldron. The crust of the world is as thin as the peel of
an apple. At the moment we are living on top of a blaze, on a boiling blaze.
Think of an apple. The peel of the world is as thin as the peel of an apple.
Look at it in proportion to an apple. But there is fire underneath which is
boiling profusely like water does. Such a world, a world full of fire is flying
through the sky at an amazing pace. We are going together with it. And in the
meantime people are struggling with their bills, commercial papers. Some are
struggling to finish their school. Some are making preparations for a wedding.
Some are after making money. Some are after the goods that they will import
from abroad. But the world is continuing to fly with all that speed. Only to
think about it a little would make it possible to understand that this is a
very wondrous situation.
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
the golden age
What we really want is for that unnecessary tension to be lifted from Israel and from Palestine and to put an end to the pouring of money on armaments and on war
from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 11th,
ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah
Ms. BETUL: ""In the same way we were friends in Ottoman times, and there was a friendly compassion in the sense of humane friendship in the time of our Prophet (saas) so there will be a humane friendship, humane compassion now," he said." They have thus stated your words.
"Interfaith delegations from Israel have traveled to Istanbul to meet with Oktar on several occasions, most recently earlier this year. Two of his representatives are expected to arrive in Jerusalem sometime Sunday to meet with lawmakers, and expect to remain in Israel for several days, "stated the renown Israeli news site Israel National News.
ADNAN OKTAR: Yes. Oktar [Babuna] and Cihat [Gundogdu] are there. They will have some meetings with some Parliament members of the Israeli Parliament and with some leading figures. We do not want tension or conflict in the region. We are pleased at Israel's presence in the region. They are servants of Allah. Where are they supposed to go? What are they supposed to do? They have to settle and live somewhere in the world. Right? One cannot tell them just to go away when they come. That cannot be done. That is unbecoming. What we really want is for that tension to be lifted from Israel and from Palestine. There is unnecessary conflict and tension. The land there is vast. There are boundless lands there. And only a handful of people live there. The numbers of Palestinians and Israelis are very low. But the land is vast. The land is broad and fertile. Money is being spent on armaments, and on conflict and tension. Israel prevents Palestine becoming wealthy, Palestine prevents Israel becoming wealthy as well. There are walls, thick walls. These must all be eliminated. Let Israel relax and rejoice. Let Palestine rejoice as well. Let us do away with conflict. "What is the problem? What is it that cannot be settled?" we will ask. There is nothing that cannot be settled. If the problem is land, then help yourself and settle where you like. Right ?
Ms. BETUL: Of course, insha'Allah.
ADNAN OKTAR: If that happened, Israel would be one of the richest states of the region. Palestine would be one of the richest states of the region. I already regard Palestine as a state. There is a state there. They must therefore embrace one another.. Let them work in one another's workplaces. Let them send doctors and engineers to one another. Let the region be like Paradise. Why, my brother, is there the need for conflict or tension? Why is there the need for unease?
A dead-end, a predicament has been formed and the satan is just encouraging it. We will do away with that, insha'Allah, by the leave of Allah. And we will ensure that all our Palestinian brothers are free, insha'Allah. I refuse to accept even one Palestinian in prison. In the case of murder, then that is different, of course. Those responsible must be punished of course, there can be no excuse for that. But we do not want anyone detained for political reasons. We want Israel to live in complete peace, in the complete sense of the word. I mean, they have suffered for hundreds of years. They have never been at ease. Hitler came as a plague on them. He caused them to suffered. They made them suffer in Spain. They have suffered everywhere they have gone. This will be the first time ever they can live in peace in this world. And that will be the last time insha'Allah. We will strive with all our might to bring that about. My dear Palestinian brothers are also literally suffering the pains of Hell. We will bring a festive atmosphere to the whole of Palestine. The whole region will be theirs. They will live everywhere they like. They will be totally free enter and leave wherever they wish, insha'Allah. We will put an end to this fight insha'Allah, by the leave of Allah, through the Qur'an, the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas), love, affection, science and reason.
While that is so easy; the satan keeps stoking the flames. Satan first creates an impasse. There is a verse about it. Almighty Allah tells us to seek refuge in Allah "..from the evil of those who blow on knots" They constantly are stroking the blames. They first create an impasse and then stoke the flames. We will resolve this impasse and not allow them to stoke the flames any more. Insha'Allah, by the leave of Allah. [We will do so] As followers and the vanguards of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). And when Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) appears, we will become his crispin, we will be the guards of his shoes insha'Allah. I personally am applying for that mission, insha'Allah.
The Jews are the descendants of the Prophets; let them live as they like, there is no compulsion in religion
The Jews are the descendants of the Prophets; let them live as they like, there is no compulsion in religion
ADNAN OKTAR: Ayse Ceylan says; "As-salamun Alaykom my dear Master. Your
views about Israel are very nice. Why is there the need for war? This world is
for humans. Let them live wherever they like. In fact , in my opinion the
borders should be annihilated. Loves.."
My brother, we are right about this. Africa is all empty from one
end to the other. All those lands around Israel are empty. There is no one
there. There is not a soul around. There are kilometers of land all empty. For
what are they fighting over? What is it
going on? What is the problem here? There is nothing to it. Let them live as
ever they like, my brother. The Jews are the descendants of Prophets. Many of
them have become Muslims at the time of our Prophet (saas). Leave them to their
own devices. They can become Muslims if they like, if they don't they go on
with their own religion, that is the Will of Allah, insha'Allah. Right? But
there is no compulsion in religion. There is a verse stating that. Allah says;
"there is no compulsion in religion." [We say] Allah says;
"there is no compulsion in religion" and this one says "no my
friend, Allah may say so, but I do not say that." You say "According
to what do you say this?" and he says "My idols do not say so."
Well we would not listen to what your idols say, we do abide by the Qur'an,
Actually it is very easy to attain peace; however will power is required for that and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the one who will provide that will power
Actually it is very easy to attain peace; however will power is required for that and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the one who will provide that will power
from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 22rd, 2011
ADNAN OKTAR: Actually, things are not all that
complicated. People make it unduly complicated. There is nothing complicated
about Israel living at ease in the region; that is an easy matter. But they
portray it as difficult. It is not that difficult for the Arabs to live in
peace, it is not difficult to prevent war in that region either; but they make
it very complicated. Yet it is very easy. There is nothing that one cannot
understand. They will live as friends and brothers, and just have to eliminate
any feelings of hatred and enmity. The spirit of conflict must be eliminated
and everyone must genuinely renounce their own rights and eradicate that anger
inside them; they must live in peace, as friends. But that calls for will
power. People are unable to come by that will power as a community, as a
collective personality. It is essential for there to be a leader. There has
to be a brain in charge so they can do this. They cannot do it so long as there
is no such brain. The name of that brain is Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). The result is anarchy when there is no one brain at the head of
the humanity, but a many-brained body instead. Then the body turns cancerous. For
instance millions of brains; they all push in different directions. The body
cannot act as one. But if you have a big body with a single brain; for instance
if a body of 1.5 billion people is bound to one single brain; then that body
can act very easily. But if a body of 1.5 billion members has almost 1.5 billion
brains, the body crashes. I mean,
imagine someone with many brains, a hundred brains. One brain will tell him to
go out while another tells him to stay indoors. One will tell him to eat
something and another will tell him not to. One will tell him to sleep and the
other will demand him to wake up. What will happen to that body? The result
will be anarchy. The body will start to turn on itself. Cancer will be formed.
That is why cancer grows in society. Cancer is forming in the Islamic world, in
the world as a whole, and people are finding themselves at an impasse. This is
why Allah sends the Prophet Jesus the Messiah (pbuh) to the Christian world in order to
eradicate that cancer and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) to the
Muslim world. So that this unrest, this corruption would come to an
end, and they would be connected to one single brain
and thus live at ease.
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
end times,
the golden age,
turkish islamic union
The desing of the eagle-eye

Eagles fly at an altitude of thousands of meters, in a manner similar to modern war planes, yet are able to comb the landscape below in staggering detail. The eagle can detect even the slightest of movements or color changes while in flight. It owes this ability to a very special eye structure.
In humans, the portion of the retina with the most acute vision is the fovea centralis, which has the highest concentration of cone cells. Eagles have two foveae, giving them an incredibly sharp sense of sight. Humans have only one fovea in each eye-for binocular, or forward vision. When we look at an object, both our eyes are directed toward the object. This allows our brain to merge both the images to create a sense of depth. The eagle contains a binocular fovea like ours, but also has a fovea for monocular vision that allows each eye to look sideways and see a separate image. So eagles can see both forward and to the side at the same time.
The eagle has a visual perspective of some 300 degrees, as well as an extra focusing power. Humans change the shape of their lenses to focus. But an eagle can change the shape of both lens and cornea. This gives it extra focusing power. It can also scan a 30,000-hectare (116-square mile) field from an altitude of 4,500 meters (14,700 feet), or spot a camouflaged rabbit from 90 meters (300 feet) with ease.
To attain this super-sharp vision, an eagle's retinal cells are tinted with special colored oil droplets, increasing the contrast for objects seen against the blue sky or green forest. Thanks to this, the eagle can spot minute changes in contrast from thousands of meters above and swoop down to hunt. The fact that a mere drop of oil makes this possible is doubtlessly one of God's countless blessings.
Flying is a miracle in itself. If one aspect of the present structure or position of a bird's wing were changed, it would be unable to fly. Therefore, it isn't possible for wings to have evolved over time.
As mentioned before, something else that couldn't possibly have evolved is the visual system. This is reinforced by the flawless nature of an eagle's eye. An eye with two foveae cannot form over time, as a result of coincidences. That second fovea was deliberately created to answer the bird's needs.
For an eagle, that droplet of oil in its retina cells is of staggering importance... But who made this fine optical adjustment? Did the eagle add
the oil himself, or on other animals' recommendation? Of course not. The eagles have enjoyed this feature from birth, for thousands of years.
So why are our eyes not as sharp as an eagle's? If human eyes contained the same features, they'd each be the size of a grapefruit. Moreover, humans don't need to spot a camouflaged rabbit from a kilometer away. This is why God gave humans their present eyes in a most aesthetic form.
How do auroras (Polar lights) seen at the North and South Pole regions form?
How are the colorful lights of auroras determined?
What is the reason that auroras can only be formed at the Polar Regions?
What is the effect of this wonderful sky phenomena over our lives?
One of the most magnificent sky phenomena, which Almighty ALLAH created, are "Polar Lights" which are natural light images we can see in the sky. Polar lights, or by their scientific name "Auroras", are one of the manifestations of Allah’s name "SANI" (artist). Polar lights are a night luminescence which could be seen in the Northern and Southern Polar regions. Auroras are one of the most visible effects of the sun towards the Earth. The auroras, which can be clearly seen at night have two names, the one seen in the Northern hemisphere is called "Aurora Borealis". The one seen in the Southern hemisphere is called "Aurora Australis". These lights can be seen mostly in September and April. Auroras fluctuate from east to west. When you look at them from the Earth, they appear in shapes of a bow and lines. It is only possible to see the full circle shape of the whole aurora from space.
How are auroras formed?
In the formation of this amazing natural light show, atoms which are very small and invisible to the naked eye also do not have any mind and consciousness, undertake a very important role. Auroras emerge as a result of the interaction of charged particles scattered from the sun with the Earth's magnetic field. The sun produces energy particles (ions) which radiate rapidly with a speed of approximately 300 to 1200 kilometers per second. The clouds are formed from the joining of these energy particles called plasma. The plasma stream, coming from the sun, is called solar wind. Some particles are trapped by the interaction of Earth's magnetic field and the solar winds emerging from the sun with a speed of approximately 1 million miles per hour after they enter the magnetosphere. These particles follow the magnetic lines of force leading down from the outer zones of the atmosphere to the ionosphere. When the electrons enter the upper layers of the atmosphere they face oxygen and nitrogen atoms, approximately 20 to 200 miles above the Earth's crust. In this way, atoms which earn electrons supported by high energy become loaded with an energy well above their capacity. Under normal conditions, when an atom or a molecule is loaded with this kind of high level of energy, they lose it by hitting other atoms rapidly. However, at altitudes between 80 and 150 km where molecular density is a few atoms per cubic centimeters, it is very unlikely for an atom to coincide with another atom to transfer its energy. Another way to lose this energy, which is formed as a result of this interaction, is through absorption of the light. In this way, atoms absorb the extra energy and spread this energy as light into the sky. The spreading of energy as light leads to the emergence of the colorful natural light shows seen in the sky.
How are the colorful lights of Auroras determined?
Auroras show quite similarity to the light coming from colored televisions. In the television, electron beams controlled by electric and magnetic fields in the image tube hits the screen and brighten it according to the type of phosphorus chemical matter which covers the screen. In the lights of an aurora, the color of the light which emerges will depend on the type of atoms and molecules colliding with the charged particles. Oxygen atoms, which can be found on high altitudes about 200 miles above the Earth, are quite rare and they form a completely red aurora. Oxygen atoms found on levels of altitude of 60 miles form a most common type of green and yellow color. Ionized atoms produce blue color and its shades. Neutral nitrogen molecules produce red and purple colors and their shades. Auroras meet their need of fuel to form light with the charged particles thrown from the sun. The more activity from the sun determines the more intense the auroras become.
What is the reason that auroras can only be formed at the Polar Regions?
What is the effect of this wonderful sky phenomena over our lives?
One of the most magnificent sky phenomena, which Almighty ALLAH created, are "Polar Lights" which are natural light images we can see in the sky. Polar lights, or by their scientific name "Auroras", are one of the manifestations of Allah’s name "SANI" (artist). Polar lights are a night luminescence which could be seen in the Northern and Southern Polar regions. Auroras are one of the most visible effects of the sun towards the Earth. The auroras, which can be clearly seen at night have two names, the one seen in the Northern hemisphere is called "Aurora Borealis". The one seen in the Southern hemisphere is called "Aurora Australis". These lights can be seen mostly in September and April. Auroras fluctuate from east to west. When you look at them from the Earth, they appear in shapes of a bow and lines. It is only possible to see the full circle shape of the whole aurora from space.
How are auroras formed?
In the formation of this amazing natural light show, atoms which are very small and invisible to the naked eye also do not have any mind and consciousness, undertake a very important role. Auroras emerge as a result of the interaction of charged particles scattered from the sun with the Earth's magnetic field. The sun produces energy particles (ions) which radiate rapidly with a speed of approximately 300 to 1200 kilometers per second. The clouds are formed from the joining of these energy particles called plasma. The plasma stream, coming from the sun, is called solar wind. Some particles are trapped by the interaction of Earth's magnetic field and the solar winds emerging from the sun with a speed of approximately 1 million miles per hour after they enter the magnetosphere. These particles follow the magnetic lines of force leading down from the outer zones of the atmosphere to the ionosphere. When the electrons enter the upper layers of the atmosphere they face oxygen and nitrogen atoms, approximately 20 to 200 miles above the Earth's crust. In this way, atoms which earn electrons supported by high energy become loaded with an energy well above their capacity. Under normal conditions, when an atom or a molecule is loaded with this kind of high level of energy, they lose it by hitting other atoms rapidly. However, at altitudes between 80 and 150 km where molecular density is a few atoms per cubic centimeters, it is very unlikely for an atom to coincide with another atom to transfer its energy. Another way to lose this energy, which is formed as a result of this interaction, is through absorption of the light. In this way, atoms absorb the extra energy and spread this energy as light into the sky. The spreading of energy as light leads to the emergence of the colorful natural light shows seen in the sky.
How are the colorful lights of Auroras determined?
Auroras show quite similarity to the light coming from colored televisions. In the television, electron beams controlled by electric and magnetic fields in the image tube hits the screen and brighten it according to the type of phosphorus chemical matter which covers the screen. In the lights of an aurora, the color of the light which emerges will depend on the type of atoms and molecules colliding with the charged particles. Oxygen atoms, which can be found on high altitudes about 200 miles above the Earth, are quite rare and they form a completely red aurora. Oxygen atoms found on levels of altitude of 60 miles form a most common type of green and yellow color. Ionized atoms produce blue color and its shades. Neutral nitrogen molecules produce red and purple colors and their shades. Auroras meet their need of fuel to form light with the charged particles thrown from the sun. The more activity from the sun determines the more intense the auroras become.
What is the reason that Auroras can only be formed at the Polar Regions?
The formation of Auroras at the poles is connected directly to the earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic field lines which direct these lights. The world is like a magnet in the form of an ellipse and therefore has a magnetic field around it. Earths magnetic field is similar to the magnetic field formed by a rod-shaped magnet placed in the center of the Earth. The rods axis makes an angle of 11 degrees with the axis of Earth's rotation. This angle ensures that the geographic north and south poles are in different places than the magnetic north and south poles. Earth’s magnetic field is similar to the impact of a very big electric current. Magnetic field lines, which constantly change their places due to the movement of the Earths core, can be thought of as fine lines which get out from the South Polar Regions into the North Polar regions. Magnetic field lines that come from different angles and get into a single point weaken when they rise above the ground. This is due to their upside down cone like shape and because of this reason, a few miles above the Earth, the effect of the Earth's magnetic field decrease to zero and resets.
The particles in the solar winds can reach the Earth from the sections where the magnetic field is zero and Auroras can occur only in these places like the polar regions where the particles can reach the Earth. The Earth’s magnetic fields largest duty is to work as a shield which protects the Earth from the solar winds coming from the Sun. Almighty Allah informed us about this shield with a verse in the Qur’an as one of its miracles:
The particles in the solar winds can reach the Earth from the sections where the magnetic field is zero and Auroras can occur only in these places like the polar regions where the particles can reach the Earth. The Earth’s magnetic fields largest duty is to work as a shield which protects the Earth from the solar winds coming from the Sun. Almighty Allah informed us about this shield with a verse in the Qur’an as one of its miracles:
... We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps and guarded it. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (Surah Fussilat, 12)
Auroras occurring in other planets
As a result of the observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope auroras are also detected on other planets. Two of the planets which auroras are detected on are Jupiter and Saturn. Their magnetic fields are much more powerful than the Earth's. The auroras observed on Jupiter are about a thousand times more powerful than the auroras observed on Earth. While the formation of auroras on the Earth is because of solar winds, the source of auroras on Jupiter are its satellites. Researchers observed that materials scattered from the satellite of Jupiter "Io", are imprisoned by Jupiter’s magnetic field. Researchers also observed auroras on Venus and Mars as well as on Jupiter and Saturn. Auroras on Venus, which does not have a magnetic field of its own, was observed in pieces with different varieties and bright colors.
Effects of Auroras on our lives
Scientists are thinking that auroras are not just a beautiful sky show. By researching them, they can help us to know more about solar winds, the effects of these winds on the atmosphere and how to benefit in a useful way from this high energy generated by the auroras. Despite their beautiful images, the benefits the auroras produce can also be a damaging phenomenon. In 1989, in the city of Quebec, a high electric current occurred on a night with intense Auroras. This current damaged a power station, broke communications and resulted in 9 million people without any electricity or communication for a long time. During auroras electric currents, they can reach up to 50.000 volts -20.000.000 amperes and as a result of this high energy in the atmosphere our current in our homes also begins to increase. When the current in our homes reach 120 volts and exceeds 15-30 amperes, the transmitter from the power station will cut off all of the electricity.
Auroras are another proof of our Almighty Allah’s Superior Power
All the events taking place in the universe, such as the movement of celestial bodies millions of light years away from us and the events occuring in the sun or rays entering the Earth’s atmosphere and several developments in the Earth’s layers are all under the control of Almighty ALLAH and occur with His will. Auroras are also created as a proof to help in our thinking that Allah has power over everything and encompasses all things with his infinite knowledge. Thinking deeply about this great truth is a responsibility for every human being who is a creature of Allah.
As a result of the observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope auroras are also detected on other planets. Two of the planets which auroras are detected on are Jupiter and Saturn. Their magnetic fields are much more powerful than the Earth's. The auroras observed on Jupiter are about a thousand times more powerful than the auroras observed on Earth. While the formation of auroras on the Earth is because of solar winds, the source of auroras on Jupiter are its satellites. Researchers observed that materials scattered from the satellite of Jupiter "Io", are imprisoned by Jupiter’s magnetic field. Researchers also observed auroras on Venus and Mars as well as on Jupiter and Saturn. Auroras on Venus, which does not have a magnetic field of its own, was observed in pieces with different varieties and bright colors.
Effects of Auroras on our lives
Scientists are thinking that auroras are not just a beautiful sky show. By researching them, they can help us to know more about solar winds, the effects of these winds on the atmosphere and how to benefit in a useful way from this high energy generated by the auroras. Despite their beautiful images, the benefits the auroras produce can also be a damaging phenomenon. In 1989, in the city of Quebec, a high electric current occurred on a night with intense Auroras. This current damaged a power station, broke communications and resulted in 9 million people without any electricity or communication for a long time. During auroras electric currents, they can reach up to 50.000 volts -20.000.000 amperes and as a result of this high energy in the atmosphere our current in our homes also begins to increase. When the current in our homes reach 120 volts and exceeds 15-30 amperes, the transmitter from the power station will cut off all of the electricity.
Auroras are another proof of our Almighty Allah’s Superior Power
All the events taking place in the universe, such as the movement of celestial bodies millions of light years away from us and the events occuring in the sun or rays entering the Earth’s atmosphere and several developments in the Earth’s layers are all under the control of Almighty ALLAH and occur with His will. Auroras are also created as a proof to help in our thinking that Allah has power over everything and encompasses all things with his infinite knowledge. Thinking deeply about this great truth is a responsibility for every human being who is a creature of Allah.
"It is Allah who created the seven heavens and of the earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge." (Surat at-Talaq, 12)
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
Lower-self is more inclined to hatred, rage and animosity
Lower-self is more inclined to hatred, rage and animosity; it always
demands war and blood. Friendship and brotherhood can be attained only by will
power and reason. Advocating peace and brotherhood until the end and
forgiveness can be attained with faith.
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live
Interview on A9 TV dated September 12th, 2011
ADNAN OKTAR: My brother, Islam would not be spread if
you approach with hatred. I mean the reason why your souls are so easily
wrapped up with hatred is that the satan eases hatred. The lower self is more
inclined to rage and grudge. Almighty Allah says; -I seek refuge with Allah
from the satan- ".. and the self
and what proportioned it and inspired it with depravity or taqwa"
Right? So the lower self knows its depravity. The lower-self always commands
one to evil acts. This is the verse of Allah. I seek refuge with Allah from the
satan. Lower self always commands evil acts towards Allah. And the lower self
has been created as the enemy of Allah. The lower self always wants to fight,
wants grudges, it wants dispute, it wants innuendos, it wants animosity.
Friendship and brotherhood are attained by will power and reason. It is
difficult to maintain friendship and brotherhood until the very end. For
instance many people might talk about friendship, but after a while they fail
to be strong enough for it. And they get into a fight as well. You look at
people who talk about mercy, and see that they continue with that appeal for
five years, for ten years. After five years you look and see that they will get
into the fight as well. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the students of Hazrat Mahdi
(pbuh) are the ones who advocate peace and brotherhood until the very end. The
Prophet Jesus Messiah (pbuh) and his students are the ones who advocate peace
and brotherhood until the end. I mean the great majority of the world would
want to fight. They would want war. The students of the Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and
the Prophet Jesus Messiah (pbuh) stop the war; they stop the fight. People always ask for dissension. Satan is
the one who instills the mindset that states; "Let us chop up Jews, let us
crash down Christians, let us override communists, let us cut off the
Buddhists, let us cut Shia and Alewites, let us cut Wahabis."
Now look, this mindset wants to draw us to
the same mindset towards the Jews and Christians; towards the irreligious,
towards the idolaters, towards the Bektashis and Alewites. This mindset demands
the same for all of these. Now should I abide by the Qur'an, or by these
people? To which mentality, to which explanations should I abide by? Why are
you insistently trying to drag me into this mindset? I mean am I to say
"Allah has taken the light out of them, they are dark people," about
the Shia? Should we say these about Alewites, Bektashis and Wahabis? Am I
supposed to say "May Allah destroy them all!" about the Iranian
state? Am I to want my brothers in Iran be destroyed, like some people do? Such
people say; "May Allah destroy Iran, may Allah smash them!" We want
the Unity of Islam and such people want them to be smashed.. Now think about
it; if a man is regarding a Shia or an Alewite, a Bektashi, a Wahabi like this;
how would such a man regard a Jew or a Christian? Think about it.. And they are
saying this openly anyway. And people with that mentality attempt to advise me.
Look he is talking about chopping off people like leeks. How does one chop
leeks? You put them on one and other and chop them all up. Look, these people
are saying that Shia and Wahabis should be put one over the other and be
chopped up. "Chop up", he says
that they should be chopped up with a sword or a similar sharp tool. So these
people say that there should be a bloodbath. I mean they say that this is what
best suits a Muslim. Is that what the Qur'an teaches us? Or does the Qur'an
teach us compassion and mercy? Does the Qur'an teach us to be anti-blood? The
system of the Mahdi is anti-blood. Look; Mahdi adh-Dam. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) who
stops the bloodshed. We are abiding by the system of the Mahdi. So do not vainly
attempt to propagate cruelty. Do not vainly make the propaganda of
persecution. You would then be an
instrument of satan, you would be deceived by the plot of the satan. Pull
yourselves together. Compassion, mercy,
rationalism, art, science; we will act on these. Otherwise Allah would destroy
Muslims, He would give trouble to them. And He did give scourges on them
up until now. When this is done, when the right and beautiful approach is
implemented, Islam will dominate the whole world. And that will happen and that
is happening, and you do see it happening, insha'Allah. Prosperity cannot be
attained through persecution. The
lower-self always wants war; look, I have already said that. The lower-self
wants bloodshed, wants to stir up incidents, the lower-self wants cruelty,
aggressiveness. Only strong-willed, clever people stand against war and against
violence. It is difficult to want peace insistently. It would be difficult for
the lower-self. Faithful and smart people insistently want peace. They insistently
ask for peace. Forgiveness is difficult. Devout people want forgiveness. Being
mild-mannered and loving is not that easy. The human soul is open to hatred. Only with profound faith does love settle
in people's hearts.
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
end times,
the golden age,
turkish islamic union
Killing Gaddafi by beating, after he has surrendered is an act that does not suit Islam
Killing Gaddafi by beating, after he has surrendered is an act that does not suit Islam
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan
Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated October 22nd, 2011
ADNAN OKTAR: Some people have dissimulated Islam in the world,
they are causing Muslims being persecuted in Europe. Look, they have persecuted
Muslims in Libya, they have ruined them.
That rube has had his face smashed in, he had laid the ground for his
being beaten to death. Those who have killed him like that are ignoble
scoundrels. They are sordid people, recording him like that with video cameras.
I mean they are giving the image of such a brutal, such a despicable type of
man. They are giving the image; "this is how a Muslim is." Those
stupid men, those scoundrels.. They have left the man[Gaddafi] in a welter of
blood; look at this ignominy. Do you have a license to kill that person? You
bovine! If the man has surrendered himself, you just take him to the government
and deliver him. You animal! How is it acceptable for you to beat a man to
death? And then he has his picture taken grinningly standing over him while
making a V sign with his fingers. Those scabs! They are attacking the man like
a rabid dog and misrepresenting Muslims as if they were such sanguinary and
brutal people; as if they were persecutors. And we are trying to make a man out
of such scoundrels! Insha'Allah. You opportunist scoundrel! You were the
toadeaters, bootlickers of him at the time, you asinine! They were the
toadeaters of Gaddafi! They were dancing attendance on him, crookedly. They are
just turning towards the strong one, whoever he is. They were the toadeaters,
bootlickers at a time when he is the strong one and they beat the man to death
when he is weak, they beat the man to death. This is a grave persecution and a
grave impertinence. You animal! The man says "I surrender!" There is
law, there is the law of war. When one says "I surrender!" it is
over! You can only take him as a prisoner, you can only hold him captive, that
is all. How is it acceptable to beat a man to death? The man says; "that
is a sin, do not do this!" and they still go on with the beating. Those
animals, and hundreds of them are having their pictures taken as if it is a big
deal and having it videotaped as if they have acted as heroes. That is a grave persecution and a grave immorality.
What he [Gaddafi] did at the time was a grave persecution and a grave
immorality; but what they did is a grave persecution as well. Love did not settle in their souls,
affection did not settle in their souls. [All they know is] chopping up,
cutting, beating, being sordid, stinking; having women with beards and
moustaches, having men all scabby in a messy appearance like that of a badger,
beating people to death, having their pictures taken grinningly showing their
savage yellow filthy teeth; this is how these animalistic people present Islam
to the world. The damage those give to the religion is incomparably bigger than
the damage given by the irreligious people. How can a man be beaten to death?
The man says "I surrender!" what else should he say? May Allah guide them to the true path, may He
give them common sense. These are the portents of our being in the End Times,
the portents of the system of the Mahdi. See how barbaric, how relentless and
how cruel they present Muslims. They are greedy when it comes to money.. Look,
they say that they will give 2 billion to the one who kills him [Gaddafi]. And
they do so in a greedy manner like an assassin. There used to be such scenes in
the old American films; there were men who are searched with signs saying
"Wanted! This much money will be given to anyone who will find him dead or
alive.." That is the same mentality.
Muslim does everything for the approval of Allah. If you catch hold of
that person, you would take him as captive for the approval of Allah, according
to the laws of war. Take him and bring him to justice. You bovine, you
scoundrel! How can one beat another to death? They have left him in a welter of
blood. One cannot even look at the picture of him. How can such
savageness, such persecution be
acceptable? That was the same with that fool, that delirious one [Gaddafi]. He
had slaughtered, martyred thousands of Muslims. And they tell me "why do
you object to those bigots, why do you not act like them?" Well, being as
filthy, as vulgar, as stupid as those people are, is-unlawful for a Muslim. A
Muslim is obliged to be clever, high quality, loving, compassionate and
merciful, he is obliged to be just and wise. How is such a life like that of an
animal be acceptable? It is very important to make a man out of these
cattle-like people. This is why we are putting an effort for this.
The representatives of Mr. Adnan Oktar are holding conferences in the Mason lodges
The representatives of Mr. Adnan Oktar are holding
conferences in the Mason lodges
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live
Interview on A9 TV dated September 20th, 2011
ADNAN OKTAR: You go on please.
Ms.DILEM: Astagfirullah.
The masons who have visited you before, had invited our friends Altug Eti and
Sadun Engin to Colorado to hold conferences in your name in their own lodges.
In the announcements masons have made themselves, they have stated that Altug
Eti and Sadun Engin, whom they were having as guests from Istanbul would give
lectures on the response of Islamic Creationists to Darwinism and on the
peaceful understanding of Islam. During the 10 days our friends will stay in
Colorado our friends will continue to give lectures in various masonic lodges
and in the meeting of the Templars insha'Allah. We have some pictures here.
These are photos from the conferences and from the lodge.
ADNAN OKTAR: Yes.. Altug
Eti is there yes.. Sadun is there as well
Ms.DILEM: Our friend
Sadun is seen here in the picture taken on September 17th, 2011 in
Colorado Springs, in the Enlightenment Lodge, while giving a lecture on
Scientific Collapse of Darwinism and on the Disasters Darwinism brought to
ADNAN OKTAR: Enlarge the
photo, zoom in a little bit and show Altug Eti and Sadun to us.. Yes Sadun is
dressed up very nicely Masha'Allah. Yes,
that is good. They are preaching in the Masonic Lodge and they are talking
about Islam and the Qur'an. Show us what they are preaching, show us the film
they have shown there.. They were in a meeting at a big hall. Yes..
Ms.DILEM: And our
friend Altug is seen here in the special meeting of the same lodge held for the
masons, while talking about the fact that Islam is a religion of peace, love
and brotherhood. The masons who listened to the lecture have voiced many times
that they were very much impressed with the things they have been told,
show us the picture.. the picture there on the screen. Zoom in a bit.. These
are the facts leading to faith that we've been showing on the TV. Are these all
the pictures we have?
Ms.DILEM: We also
have the pictures of our friend Sadun in his conference about [the collapse of]
ADNAN OKTAR: Yes.. They are preaching the religion in the grand
masonic lodge. Masha'Allah. They are
reading the verses, reading the Qur'an, explaining the invalidity of Darwinism,
the beauty of Islam. This is how preaching religion is.. Right?
Insha'Allah, masha'Allah.
ADNAN OKTAR: It is not done
by hiding in dark secluded rooms. It is done like lions, like the brave men
they are, by going to their centers, going to the most relevant places, by
explaining those facts comprehensively, insha'Allah. It is done by explaining
these facts during visits paid to their homes, by going to their own locations,
by going to the places they are in, by going to their schools.. this is how it
is done.. insha'Allah.
Dr. Oktar Babuna live on 1240 WJIM, Michigan USA
(October 20, 2011)
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
end times,
turkish islamic union
The invasion of Azerbaijan is another portent of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s)
... Abu Bashir says: Imam Abu Abdullah Jafar Sadiq
Do whatever we do. (In other words, when we stay at home, you stay at home,
too). And when our Qaim [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] moves, run swiftly and without
stopping towards him...(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah
al-Numani p. 311)
This report foretold by the Prophet (saas) in the
hadith 1400 years ago, refers to the invasion of Azerbaijan in recent years.
Following Armenia’s claim to possession of Nagorno Karabagh, Azeri demands for
independence led to a historic massacre in Azerbaijan. Hundreds of Azeri
Muslims were martyred as a result of a plot by atheist freemasons and atheist
Zionists on January 20th, 1990.
Unarmed Azeri civilians were shot at by the Red Army of the Gorbachev
administration, using tanks and military vehicles, at all the points of entry
into Baku. The Russian fleet in the Caspian Sea rained shells down from their
ships .
The troops that entered the city martyred hundreds, with shelling from tanks or from the ships of the fleet, and thousands more Azeris were injured. Many Azeris were martyred beneath the tracks of Russian tanks, the streets were filled with the blood of martyrs, and permission to collect the dead and injured was denied. Those trying to help were shot at, electricity supplies to hospitals were cut off and the injured were operated on by candlelight.
The troops that entered the city martyred hundreds, with shelling from tanks or from the ships of the fleet, and thousands more Azeris were injured. Many Azeris were martyred beneath the tracks of Russian tanks, the streets were filled with the blood of martyrs, and permission to collect the dead and injured was denied. Those trying to help were shot at, electricity supplies to hospitals were cut off and the injured were operated on by candlelight.
Subsequently, on
February26th, 1992, 1,300 of our Azeri brothers, mainly women, children
and the elderly, were martyred in the Khojaly massacre. A further 1,275 people
were taken hostage and 150 people simply disappeared, never to be seen again.
Examinations of the lifeless bodies of our martyred Muslim brothers revealed that many had died as the
result of severe torture; many had been burned, had their eyes gouged out and
their heads cut off. Witnesses’ descriptions reveal the scale of the atrocity:
A journalist who
witnessed the events describes what took place:
“I lived through the fall of the Nagorno-Karabagh city of Khojaly for a whole day. I documented it with images and told the world, with video clips, of the slaying of 1,300 Azeri Turks by Armenian gangs in one day. The Khojaly massacre was indescribably savage. When those who managed to escape the Armenian knives and bullets, women, children and the elderly, managed to come to Agdam under hail on the snowy mountain, their feet had frozen. Some of their feet had to be amputated because of gangrene. Old grandfathers and grandmothers had their faces slashed by razors, while young women’s bodies were cut up, and babies’ heads were stripped of their skin. Corpses were laid out all along the 12 kilometers of forest between Khojaly and Agdam.”
“I lived through the fall of the Nagorno-Karabagh city of Khojaly for a whole day. I documented it with images and told the world, with video clips, of the slaying of 1,300 Azeri Turks by Armenian gangs in one day. The Khojaly massacre was indescribably savage. When those who managed to escape the Armenian knives and bullets, women, children and the elderly, managed to come to Agdam under hail on the snowy mountain, their feet had frozen. Some of their feet had to be amputated because of gangrene. Old grandfathers and grandmothers had their faces slashed by razors, while young women’s bodies were cut up, and babies’ heads were stripped of their skin. Corpses were laid out all along the 12 kilometers of forest between Khojaly and Agdam.”
“… the Armenian group
“Gaflan” (dealing with burning of dead bodies) have collected 100 dead bodies
of Turks (Azerbaijani) and burned them in a place located one kilometer from
Khojaly to the West on March 2nd… I saw a girl aged 10 and wounded in her hands
and in the head lying in the last truck. Her face was already of a blue color.
But she was still alive despite her
hunger, coldness and wounds. She had a little breath. I cannot forget her eyes
striving with death… Suddenly a soldier called Tigranyan took that body and
threw it in with other dead bodies… Then they have burned the dead bodies.” Daud Kheyriyan, For the Sake of Cross, pp. 62-63)
As we have seen, Azerbaijan suffered terrible
tragedies during these events. This, as revealed in the hadiths of our Prophet
(saas), is one of the signs of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as).
Do whatever we do. (In other words, when we stay at home, you stay at home,
too). And when our Qaim [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] moves, run swiftly and without
stopping towards him...(Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Numani, al-Ghaybah
al-Numani p. 311)
Atheist freemasons and atheist Zionists used violence and provocation to engineer a falling out between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But with the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), all such artificial disputes will be replaced by friendship, peace, brotherhood and happiness. All this suffering will come to an end, and an age of friendship and enlightenment will dawn throughout the world.
Adnan Oktar: Everyone must forgive everyone else the
events of the past; we must now forget the past. That was a scourge inflicted
by Darwinism. It was irrational and Muslims and Armenians were set at one
anothers throats in some places for no reason. But that dark time has now come
to an end. It has disappeared, never to return, insha’Allah The Armenians have
also been claimed to have perpetrated massacres, such as the Khojaly massacre,
or in the South or South-East. The Armenian nation would never do that, the
atheist Masons forced and pressured them into doing it. But we harbor no
feelings of hatred and revenge. Insha’Allah, there will now be a brand new
beginning. (Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Interview with Gece TV (Tokat) - September 2008)
Harun, Yahya, Adnan, Oktar
end times,
turkish islamic union
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