Important explanations about the story of Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) [SURAT AL-KAHF, VERSES 65-77]


Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview at Kocaeli TV on August 27th, 2010

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah. I didn't know this at all. It is all in the Wisdom of Allah; look I swear in the name of Allah. Look, Surat al-Kahf. I said "Let me read the first verse that comes up" and this one talks directly about Hazrat Khidr (pbuh). Did I open the page by planning it?

OKTAR BABUNA: No master. This always happens for you. This is not the first time, masha'Allah.

ADNAN OKTAR: Right? I said "Bismillah. Let me begin with a verse." Look, I put my hand it is the 65th verse in Surat al-Kahf. "They found a servant of Ours whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had also given knowledge direct from Us." Hear this, those who are concerned. "They found a servant of Ours." Brother, there is a clear date; 2010. The abjad calculation is not 11, not 12; 2010. Look, "They found a slave of Ours whom We had granted mercy from Us..." There is Allah's mercy, "From Us" and Allah says this.  "And whom We had also given knowledge direct from Us." This is a special knowledge. It is unique to him. "They found a servant of Ours.""Musa said to him, 'May I follow you on condition that you teach me some of the right guidance you have been taught?'" He asks to Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) "Can I be your student?" "He said, 'You will not be able to bear with me." He says "Because you could see me as irreligious or against the shariah (religious law) or as committing a murder, bombing a place and destroying somewhere. You'd  see this, you'd see that and you see that, and you would misunderstand me." Right?

"How indeed could you bear with patience something you have not encompassed in your knowledge?'" Look, "something you have not encompassed in your knowledge" The essence is completely different.  The subject has an apparent aspect but the essence is completely different. "How indeed could you bear with patience something you have not encompassed in your knowledge?" So he says "You cannot endure this." Look he says this to a Ulu'l Azm Prophet [Prophet of Strong Determination]. "Musa said, You will find me patient, Insha'Allah [if Allah wills]," Insha'Allah is the key word in the Surat al-Kahf, it is the key word. Those who say "insha'Allah" and "masha'Allah" will dominate the world. Look what does he begin with? "Insha'Allah." This is very important. This is the statement that Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) looks for; Insha'Allah. "You will find me patient." Yes. So one has to be very patient. "And I will not disobey you in any matter." But this is actually very difficult. I mean if you tell people about Hazrat Khidr (pbuh).. "He said, 'Then if you follow me, do not question me about anything" so he says there is no questioning about anything. "Until I myself make mention of it to you.' "
"They continued until they boarded a boat and he scuppered it." He breaks the ship into pieces. This is a characteristic of him insha'Allah. "Then Musa said, 'Did you scupper it so that its owners would be drowned?" He asks "Did you aim a massacre? What did you do there?" He says "You did something unlawful." He says "This is truly a dreadful thing that you have done!'" Of course he does not say that like this but he says "dreadful." "He said, 'Did I not say that you would not be able to bear with me?'" See that he says "you would not" , he does not give it a second possibility. I mean he does not say "it is difficult" but he says "Did I not say that you would not be able to bear with me?" That is because Allah informs him through revelation. Allah says "He will not be able to bear with you." That is he knows it, He knows beforehand.  So He says "He will certainly disobey you" insha'Allah. "Musa said, 'Do not take me to task because I forgot." Who makes him forget?


ADNAN OKTAR: Yes. "Do not take me to task." But see that he says "Do not take me to task " insha'Allah. Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) also has a characteristic of questioning insha'Allah, right? This is one of his traits; he questions. "Do not demand of me something which is too difficult.'" So that means he makes things difficult when necessary, is that right?


ADNAN OKTAR: Yes. "So they went on" the two of them as he does not accept a third one. Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) meets with people one on one insha'Allah. He does not accept a third person. "So they went on until they met a youngster whom he killed. Musa said, 'Have you killed a boy who has done no wrong, without it being in retaliation for someone else? This is truly an appalling thing that you have done!'" By saying "an appalling thing that you have done" he means "you acted in an unlawful way".  He says "you committed murder." He says "You acted wrongly." On the contrary he acts through revelation and what he did is right insha'Allah. "He said, 'Did I not tell you"  I seek refuge with Allah from the satan- "that you would not" Look he stresses on that once more, "you would not" he says, " able to bear with me?'" That is because it is told through revelation. It is certain that he will not be able to bear with him. "Musa said, 'If I ask you about anything after this, then you should no longer keep me company." After some time when Hazrat Khidr's (pbuh) job is done, he retreats. This is another characteristic of him. So he does not keep in contact with the same place continuously. He moves on to another job. "I will have given you excuse enough.'" So he says "Alright. I'll accept it." "So they went on until they reached the inhabitants of a town. They asked them for food.." Does Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) need food?
OKTAR BABUNA: No he does not.

ADNAN OKTAR:  But the Prophet Moses (pbuh) does insha'Allah. He feels like it and eats, he does not feel like it and he does not eat. "But they refused them hospitality." So they are afraid of their grandeur. Right? "They found there a wall about to fall down and he built it up." He is such a blessed person. He is a Master, he is a stonemason as well. Hazrat Khidr's (pbuh) another characteristic is being a stonemason. What does that mean? It means that he will take control over all masons. Right? That means all of them will be under his command insha'Allah, or they already are. They are under his command insha'Allah. "Musa said, 'If you had wanted, you could have taken a wage for doing that.'" Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) does not ask for any payment for any of his jobs. This is a characteristic of him. No food, no money, no interest, he would want nothing.. A person would in any case be in need of something, Right? Since he does not need anything, that is a sign of him; he does not want anything. He would not want food, he would not need sleep; he is such a person. He sleeps when he feels like it..

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