The famine in Somali can only be solved when the misspending of the wealth is stopped with the establishment of the Unity of Islam, it cannot be solved by the sms messages sent for charity

The famine in Somali can only be solved when the misspending of the wealth is stopped with the establishment of the Unity of Islam, it cannot be solved by the sms messages sent for charity

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated August 23rd, 2011 

MS.BETUL : Oral Calislar went to Somali. In his article he said; "There are tents everywhere in the capital Mogadishu, in which the people escaping from the infights in the region camp. The teams coming from Turkey to help are rushing about however because of the severity of the circumstances these efforts are far from being a remedy for the problems of the people there and people are dying every day because of starvation. Everywhere has turned into a cemetery and the help coming from Turkey could only suffice for a very small group."

ADNAN OKTAR: I have said this fifty times; without the Turkish Islamic union, nothing will happen. There is a saying [in Turkish] which reads; "It takes more than a few buckets of water to turn the water wheel." Sending sms messages from here and there, sending a few liras.. There are millions of people there, which one of those could such attempts suffice. And that is not the only one, there are many other such countries. Famine, poverty, desolation are very widespread among the Islamic countries. When the Unity of Islam is established, since the wealth misspent, the money misspent will be channelized to the best use, it would suffice not only the whole Islamic world but would also enable us help the Christian world and the Jewish world. It will be instrumental in everyone living well and in peace, in their being prosperous and developed, insha'Allah. 

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