Dinin Anlaşılması Çok Kolaydır (English Subtitles)

It is easy to understand the religion 

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV and Gaziantep Olay TV dated June 21st, 2011 

ALTUĞ BERKER: Our Prophet (saas) has mentioned about the hypocrites, Mastetr, you have been talking about this all the time as well. He says; "You will be cleansed like the kohl in the eye, you the Shias of Al-i Mohammed. " "When the ones that should go leave and the muslims are left a few and the mischief-makes are gone, then and there the Mahdi would appear." Demands our Prophet (saas).  "Mahdi will be informed about the secret plans of all groups and he will tell them their plans. Mahdi will know who is a friend and who is an enemy just by looking" With reference to the hadiths and the statements of His Highness Bediuzzaman, you have been explaining us that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will intellectually dissolve the movement of the hypocrites. Since he is a wholehearted sincere person, he reveals the insincere movement and the mistakes of people who misinforms people and thus Hazrat Mahdi introduces complete sincerity, insha'Allah.

ADNAN OKTAR: In fact religion is not intricate, it is not hard to understand. Allah wants everything that we know as good, that is the essence, that is what the Qur'an explains.  I mean honesty, sincerity, warmth, candidness, generosity,  Allah has explained these in details to us as acts of worship in the Qur'an. I mean when the world was created, Almighty Allah has explained us how to use this world; that is to love each other, to live in peace, not to shed blood, not to persecute people, not to make people uneasy, not to be disrespectful, not to make anyone sad. Once these are done, the world is very beautiful. I mean man is created to enjoy love very much.  He enjoys to be pleasing, he likes generosity, love, compassion, he enjoys everything that is beautiful. That is what Allah wants from us. Bigots attempt to turn religion in to an instrument to torment people. I mean they try to present it as if it is a system of pain, system of suffering, system of oppression.Allah does not need our feeling distress,  Allah does not need our suffering at all. Allah wants us to be happy, that is why He creates all these beauties. Allah creates people  beautiful, animals beautiful, the flowers beautiful.  

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