The origins of terror


(From Mr. Adnan Oktar's live interview on Adıyaman Asu TV and Kral Karadeniz TV, November 30th, 2009)

ADNAN OKTAR: Let me provide a bit of information about the origins of terrorism. Let me explain the roots of PKK terrorism, which do not lie in a lack of soup or an inability to get married. Marx, the founding father of communism, says, “If there were no conflict, everything would stay the same.” In other words, thesis and antithesis. The Marxist idea is that “when an idea, a thesis, is popular in society, a diametrically opposed idea, or antithesis, will gradually emerge. A new idea again, a synthesis, will emerge from the interaction of the two, and that process will continue in the form of thesis-antithesis-synthesis.” They say that conflict will go on uninterrupted.

The communist leader Lenin says, “Progress is the struggle between opposites.” He also said: “When some people condemn us for our cruelty we must not be amazed at how such people can forget even the most basic Marxist principles.” He says that cruelty is a Marxist principle. He said that in Pravda on 29 October, 1918. Lenin said, “We never have rejected terror as a principle, and never shall.” Another extract from Lenin: “Some people must undertake to kill or attack a police station, and some must rob banks.” In the 2005 edition of his book On Theoretical and Practical Terror, Lenin tells people to “kill the police, soldiers and civil servants, and to start fires in official institutions.” That is what they did. “Take money from the state’s coffers; revolutionary communist forces will not be defeated, but must emerge as an armed force.” Just like the PKK, because that is a Stalinist, communist organization, too. “Spreading fear by killing and bombing people and blowing up buildings, and thus representing the communist dictatorship in society are important elements of our coming to power.” In other words, we cannot come to power in any other way, he means.

These methods I have just described are the reasons for the growth of the PKK in the east. Lenin says; “We are definitely not opposed to political killings. Only individual terrorist movements directly linked to the masses are of any value. If the masses rise up on their own”, Lenin says, “they cannot succeed”. Vladimir Ilich Lenin says, “We cannot get anywhere if we do not put a bullet into their heads when we apply terror” on page 311 of volume 35 of his book. “The state under the hegemony of the proletariat is a machine for crushing the bourgeoisie.” That means the rich, capital. “The dictatorship is rule based directly on violence and not restricted in any way.” In other words, we recognize no rules when we resort to violence. “The revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat exists thanks to the violence inflicted on the bourgeoisie by the proletariat.” In other words, they regard the AKP [ruling Justice and Development Party] as a bourgeois party. And other parties, too. And that is how they think of the people there. “It is a rule that survives and cannot be restricted by any law,” they say. Look, “it is a rule that survives thanks to the violence inflicted on the bourgeoisie by the proletariat.” It could not survive otherwise, they say. They mean it is violence that keeps them alive. “It cannot be restricted by any law.” Lenin says they recognize no legal code, on page 53 of The Proletarian Revolution.

The German racist who taught Hitler and who made Hitler what he says: “Nations can only progress through intense competition resembling Darwin’s fight for survival.” You can see the influence of Darwinism everywhere. Mao, for example, says, “Revolution is an uprising and rebellion with which one class overthrows another.” (Little Red Book, chapter 2). The communist leader Trotsky; “It will be resolved by resorting to violence of all kinds.” He says that is how they will achieve their aims. “Red terror is a weapon to be used against a class that is condemned to die and cannot bear with it.” Look, they have condemned the people to death, they have decided, and the red terror is a weapon to be used against a class that is condemned to die and cannot bear with it. Since they are unwilling, he says, “we will do it”. “We will do the killing”, he says.

We therefore have to fight them on the intellectual level. They are waging a struggle of ideas; they talk and describe their ideas and write books. What will happen if we let them set their ideas out unilaterally without responding?

The response to be made will of course set out the errors of dialectical thinking and the errors of Darwinism, and all Marxist and fascist systems are in any case based on Darwinism. Neither fascist nor communist systems will remain once Darwinism collapses; therefore, the real question in the Southeast [of Turkey] is the demolition of Darwinism. In other words, if Darwinism is demolished intellectually, communism will collapse as a direct result, and there will be no need to trouble ourselves with it. Communism will collapse of its own accord. But so long as Darwinism survives, communism and fascism will remain alive, too. The answer lies in an intellectual struggle, insha’Allah.

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