Inculcation is essential in lifting the veil of heedlessness

Inculcation is essential in lifting the veil of heedlessness

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV and Kackar TV dated June 7th, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: The truth of the matter is that the religion is not that complicated; it is not a state that must be preached for days or that can only be grasped after years of communication. An average person very well comprehends Islam at most within a week. It lasts not more than a week. In fact, he fully comprehends it in one day. If you spend a whole day with a person and preach him the word, he would simply conceive. The reason why we go into details is to encourage them into deeper thinking and to constantly open the minds. Religion becomes deep seated in minds with inculcation; the more it is indoctrinated and communicated, the stronger it grows. People become acutely attentive and their horizons open. This matter is important in that sense. For instance, we have several times drawn attention to the alleged Ergenekon terror organization. After a while, we indeed see that it truly makes great impact on people. You witness a person who shows patience for a while coming up with candid confessions. He becomes able to preach in a genuine manner. He can give information about an incident very honestly and tell about it. You see that he can give it up. You see that a person who insistently avoids regular prayers all of a sudden decides to observe his prayers. Someone who persistently does not tell the truth one day decides to be absolutely trustworthy. A man who has not known love notices one day that love is very beautiful; he decides to love and to be loved. An egoist person recognizes the wickedness of egoism and admits that it is so bad and filthy. For instance he looks at the people he loves and relies upon and notices that they are very vile, irreligious, immoral and unscrupulous. He looks and notices that the people to whom he has been against are actually very sweet, fine people. For this reason people have a thin wire; when it is torn, he begins to see the truth; once that veil is torn. When that veil is not torn, he cannot see; he cannot notice love. For instance he thinks that love is something artificial, but then he sees that there is really something called love. He cannot notice the vileness of egoism. He considers egoism to be just and says, "Of course one needs to be selfish." But then he realizes that egoism is something filthy; it is disgraceful and something that blemishes and deforms him. Sometimes people realize this in two years time, three years time. That is why inculcation needs to be done for a lifetime. Some people's veil is lifted when he is 60 years old; that is why inculcation must be made for a lifetime. Some people's veil is lifted when he is 60 years old; a clarity occurs in his mind. [They say,]"We preach the word day and night but he does not understand";  this is unlikely to happen…

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