Kuran Ruhunda Kadın Çok Değerlidir (English Subtitles)

Women are very much treasured in the morality of the Qur'an.

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV, Kahramanmaras Aksu TV and Gaziantep Olay TV dated June 4th, 2011

ALTUĞ BERKER: Master, in another statement of yours, you've said; "Women will be free at the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). They will be merry and happy, they will be spotlessly clean. They will be able to talk as ever they like and be leaders, pioneers everywhere as ever they like. This scourge will be removed from them, this lack of trust towards women will disappear. "

ADNAN OKTAR: In many places of the world, women are treated as the second class or third class citizens. They always are regarded as suspicious, distrustful beings that should always be oppressed and kept under pressure as it is very likely for them to slip into illegitimate relations. This is also the view of the Darwinists, the view of Darwin himself. Show us the words of Darwin about women..

ALTUĞ BERKER: Insha'Allah Master.

ADNAN OKTAR: This is also the same in the bigot, fanatic way of thinking. I mean women are regarded as weird creatures. There is no love or respect towards women, they are not treasured. Only in the system of the Mahdi, in the spirit of the Qur'an, women are regarded as holy and valuable, and are greatly respected and loved. Women are wonderful beings; they are the biggest blessings Allah had granted.

ALTUĞ BERKER: We have here some quotations from Darwin regarding his point of view on black people, Turks and women. Charles Darwin says in the Descent of Man, that women's "powers of intuition, of rapid perception, and perhaps of imitation are characteristic of the lower races, and therefore of a past and lower state of civilization."

ADNAN OKTAR: So he calls them a less evolved species of apes. I mean, he says men are more evolved but women are a less evolved species of apes.  What else does he say?

ALTUĞ BERKER: He also says about the black people. .

ADNAN OKTAR: No, what else about women? He says what good women are and he compares women with dogs.. 

ALTUĞ BERKER: Yes Master, he says the following; ".. an object to be played with.. " While describing a woman's role in marriage Darwin says; ".. an object to be played with- better than a dog anyhow."

ADNAN OKTAR: He calls them an object, so he says a woman is an object, an object just like a glass, like a stone. Note that he calls them an object, but says that women are better than dogs. He makes a comparison. So he says that women are not like humans, they are not humans but a bit better than dogs to a certain degree. So he means to say they are like dogs and some people are holding this person, Darwin, in high esteem.    

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