Our President Mr. Erdogan had stated that the Jewish people are entrusted to us

Our President Mr. Erdogan had stated that the Jewish people are entrusted to us. 

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 25th, 2011

MS.DILEM: Prime Minister Erdogan, in his speech given in the New York University, addressing the Israeli government, said; "If we say that we are the children of Abraham (pbuh), we should do what being the children of Abraham necessitates. That is because there should be no killers among the children of Abraham (pbuh)." He also said the following for our Jewish brothers; "What I mean by that is never the people of Israel, I mean the government. I have Jewish citizens in my country, I did have meetings with them and said; " You should never be in a worry. If ever you hear or feel anything, let us certainly be informed. That is because you are all entrusted to us". We would never ever have the Jewish citizens living in our country pay for the mistakes the Israeli goverment makes. Why? Because this is what our sense of justice requires."
ADNAN OKTAR: That is good. He had given a  good speech. That was necessary and it is a good thing that he did. Masha'Allah. Well said! That is nice.. 

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