Hz. Mehdi (as) Devrinde, İnsanlar Özgür Olacaklardır. (English Subtitles)

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated June 18th, 2011

ALTUĞ BERKER: You've said the following Master; "We should hold on to secularity tightly. Secularity is the tincture of iodine of hypocrisy. Once you compress secularity upon that wound, it would kill the hypocrisy there and then. There would be no hypocrites left; that is how secularity is. And democracy opens up one's mind, there would be no totalitarianism in democracy, there would be no system of oppression. We should cling on to both of these two concepts tightly."

ADNAN OKTAR: Pressure would make one go insane. Pressure is always the reason behind people being suffocated, behind their becoming ill. There is pressure in the third world countries and the majority of the people there are like crazy. If you pay attention you would see that art and science develops only in free countries. A free artist could paint a very beautiful painting, a very beautiful sculpture, or a building. But under oppression [that is not the case].. For instance in Russia, during the communist period, no work of art has ever been produced, no artist has come up; they simply could not do it. For instance in Red China, no artist could come up. They have no architecture [in that period]. Let them show me one single architectural building, one work of architectural masterpiece that has been built in the communist era in Red China.  Let them show me one painting from that period- one single painting, only one..

GÖKALP BARLAN: That is very correct Master.

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course, Oppression paralyzes a person's mind. Liberal system is nice, that is the free system, it opens up one's mind. When I say liberal, it might seem as if it is an earthly system but I just use that word to make it understandable. I do not mean in the sense of classical liberalism. I mean it in the sense of freedom.  The right word cannot be found that easily all the time. I mean free initiatives.  Free initiatives in trade, being independent and free in art.. Right? For instance the man is going to manufacture clothes, he has to be free and independent. He is going to make a speech, he needs to be independent. For instance politics should be independent and free. One would speak very well in free politics. If you subdue him, the man cannot talk, he would be at a loss for words. Right? Freedom is very vital. It is the adrenalin of man; it has the effect of adrenalin on man. It opens up one's mind. For that reason, insha'Allah at the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) youngsters will enjoy the most intense freedom, humanity will enjoy the most beautiful freedom and take the advantages of democracy in the nicest way possible and be under the safety of secularism, insha'Allah.

ALTUĞ BERKER: Insha'Allah Master.    


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