İsrail'le Filistin'in Sorununu Çözecek Olan Mehdiyettir (English Subtitles)

It is the system of the Mahdi that will solve the Israel-Palestine problem

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV, Cay TV and Kanal Avrupa TV dated June 5th, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: It is the system of the Mahdi that will solve the Israel-Palestine problem, it is the Turkish-Islamic Union.  There is a completely unnecessary struggle within the region. Actually those lands would be enough for everybody. Insha'Allah. There is an unnecessary ambition. Wherever we go we come face to face with the system of the Mahdi. Wherever we go we see the persecution of the system of the dajjal. Wherever we go, wherever we turn to it is understood that the system of the Mahdi should take up the duty urgently. 

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