Lack of fear of Allah lies beneath the dissolution of marriages

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated December 12th, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: For instance, lack of fear of Allah lies at the root of many separations. I mean this lies at the root of the dissolution of marriages. Both parties act selfishly or may be one party acts selfishly and egotistically and they watch for their own interests and if they see that something conflicts with their own interests, they instantly become ruthless. All those who previously say, "you are my heart, my beloved," those who say "I love her very much, I am crazy about her," you know these types in marriages, because things start to conflict their interests, because they have no fear of Allah when things start to conflict with their interests, they lose their controls all of a sudden. They get under the control of their lower-selves from that on. They do not face any problems up until that moment because things would not conflict with their own interests. But on the point in which they would have conflicts with their own interests, since they could only get hold of that with their fear of Allah, in the absence of fear of Allah, they lose control. They become like a truck with failed brakes; they crash here and there and the marriages end with scandals. They will end up with fights and scandals, they insult one another, they go and crash the other's house, they shoot at each other, inappropriate scandals come up and the marriages end with hatred. That is because in the absence of fear of Allah there would be a horrible pride and self-centeredness.    

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