Wine is explicitly declared religiously unlawful by the verse of the Qur'an

Wine is explicitly declared religiously unlawful by the verse of the Qur'an

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated November 3rd, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: Aynur, for the sake of Allah, what does it have to do with this? You beautiful Aynur, how can you come up with it?

Those who drink alcohol always make such small talk and say; "our Prophet (saas) one day came across to people who drink alcohol and said; "How nice that these people are having fun!" I mean -as if- he appreciated drinking alcohol- May Allah forbid.  And on the way back he saw them having a fight and said; "I have prohibited drinking alcohol; that is not acceptable for my ummah"." What kind of logic is that? What an impertinent comment that is. No way for that. "Al-khamri", wine has been deemed unlawful by the explicit command of the Qur'an.  Those things that veil the mind, alcoholic drinks, have been deemed unlawful. They should not do this, where do they come up with such things.

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