The android application of A9 Radio has started

The android application of A9 Radio has started

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 22nd, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: You go on..

MS.DILEM: Astagfirullah. Master, after, A9 TV, the android application of A9 Radio has started as well Masha'Allah. Our brothers who use android system mobile phones were able to download the A9 TV application from the place named android market and watch it for 24 hours. At the moment A9 Radio application has started as well. With this application our brothers will be able to listen to A9 Radio in five different languages. These languages are ; Turkish, English, French, German and Russian.

ADNAN OKTAR: Android etc.. Well we've said that we needed to change that name but we did not.. What was it that we chose to call it?

PRESENTER: You've called it "cognizant"..  

ADNAN OKTAR: Cognizant yes..

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