“Kahrolsun” demekle veya şiddetle kınamakla komünist terör son bulmaz komünist teröre karşı tek çözüm anti komünist ilmi çalışmadır


Türkiye son 30 yıldır komünist bölücü terörle mücadele ediyor.
30 yılda binlerce insanımız şehit oldu, milyarlarca dolar terörle mücadeleye ayrıldı. Ancak teröre çözüm bulunamadı. Çünkü teröre zemin hazırlayan, terörün gelişmesini ve güçlenmesini sağlayan ana kaynağa karşı neredeyse hiçbir çalışma yapılmadı.
Bugün Türkiye'nin karşı karşıya olduğu terör, komünist terördür. PKK, etnik kökenli bir hareket değildir, PKK bölgede dev bir komünist devlet kurma idealinde olan Marksist Leninist Stalinist bir örgütlenmedir. Bu hedefine ulaşmak için kanlı bir devrimin şart olduğuna inanmaktadır. Ve ideolojisinin gereği olarak, karakollara saldırmakta, sokakta yürüyen polisimizi sırtından vurmakta, öğretmenleri kaçırmakta, sivilleri bombalamakta, askerlerimizi şehit etmektedir.
Marksist Leninist ideolojinin temeli materyalizmdir, materyalizmin tek sözde bilimsel dayanağı, ana hayat damarı ise Darwinizm’dir. Darwinizm, komünizm, materyalizm, şiddet ve terör birbirlerinden ayrılmaz bir bütündür. Darwinizmin olmadığı yerde materyalizm olmaz, materyalizmin olmadığı yerde komünizm olmaz, komünizmin olmadığı yerde terör olmaz.
Komünist terörü asıl ayakta tutan güç halk içinde yaptığı materyalist, komünist propagandadır. PKK da geceli gündüzlü, 24 saat bölgede komünist propaganda yapmaktadır. Kahvehaneleri, bakkalları, halkın toplanma yerlerini adeta eğitim alanına çeviren terör örgütü, kendince sözde bilimsel deliller sunarak materyalizmin geçerliliğini anlatmakta ve bu yolla kendine taraftar toplamaktadır.
Bu yoğun propagadanya karşı yapılması gereken tek şey ise anti propagandadır. Yani, Darwinizm’in ve materyalizmin geçersizliğini bilimsel delillerle, ilmi, akılcı ve net bir üslupla anlatmaktır. Yapılacak bu ilmi çalışma, terör örgütünün beyninden vurulması demektir. Beyni dağılmış bir bünyenin varlığını devam ettiremeyeceği ise açıktır.
Nitekim 30 yıldır ısrarla ilmi mücadeleden kaçılması, durumu bugünkü aşamaya getirmiştir. Komünist terör örgütünü kınamanın, terörü yapanlara kahrolsun demenin, yaptığınız ayıp değil mi, hiç mi vicdanınız yok şeklinde konuşmalar yapmanın teröre karşı mücadelede hiçbir etkisis yoktur.
30 yıldır yazılan yazılarda, sohbet programlarında, yapılan açıklamalarda, gazete manşetlerinde;

“Terör saldırılarını kınıyoruz”   denileceğine
“KAHROLSUN HAİN PKK” denileceğine
“Hainler yine azıttı” başlıkları atılacağına
“Komünist ve materyalist teröristlere “böyle bir yere varamazsınız, evinize, ailenize dönün” denileceğine
“Kahrolsun terör mitingleri yapıp, meydanlarda PKK’yı lanetliyoruz” denileceğine
“Anneler babalar ağlıyor,  PKK’nın hiç mi vicdanı yok” denileceğine
20. YÜZYILIN TÜM BİLİMSEL BULGULARI DİYALEKTİK MATERYALİZMİN GEÇERSİZ OLDUĞUNU GÖSTERDİ denilmiş olsa, terörle mücadelede çok kesin sonuçlar alınabilirdi.
Komünist teröre karşı çözüm, kınama konuşmaları yapmak değildir.
Komünist teröre karşı çözüm, “kahrolsun” demek değildir.
Komünist teröre karşı çözüm, saatler boyunca neticeye varmayan tartışma programları yapmak değildir.yout
Komünist teröre karşı çözüm, tek başına askeri ve polisiye tedbirler de değildir.
Komünist teröre karşı çözüm, ANTİ DARWİNİST, ANTİ MATERYALİST, ANTİ KOMÜNİST  bilimsel çalışma yapmaktır. 

Mr. Adnan Oktar: 'I protect and watch over the persecuted ones, not the tyrants. When the Turkish Islamic Union is formed there will be no atheistic-Zionism left, no one will shed blood.'

Mr. Adnan Oktar: 'I protect and watch over the persecuted ones, not the tyrants. When the Turkish Islamic Union is formed there will be no atheistic-Zionism left, no one will shed blood.'

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 12th, 2011 

ADNAN OKTAR: "Depicting Zionism that is causing trouble over the world; that bleeds Muslims dry, as if it is something benevolent does not befit you. Are not the Muslim kids sweet as they are being killed while the Jewish kids are cute? All kids are innocent. That is okay we've got that but why should we be this much tolerant towards the Jewish killers? You are setting a wrong example. Do not do this. Veli Demirsoy," he says. "Depicting Zionism that is causing trouble over the world; that bleeds Muslims dry, as if it is something benevolent does not befit you." I do not depict them as benevolent, what made you think that? I just say that persecution should be stopped. What is it that I have been telling? What does not letting bloodshed mean? Veli, do you not listen to me, you rascal? Look, what does "not a drop of blood would be shed" mean? What does "he will not awake a sleeper" mean? Let it be Zionist, let it be Fascist, let it be communist; we will not let anyone shed blood. Isn't that so? That is it then. [Atheistic] Zionism would be over by then. Atheistic Zionism would be over in what I have said. Do not pretend not to understand this. I am just depicting those who are persecuted as benevolent, not the tyrants. I have explained what will happen to the tyrants. What should be done to the tyrants is of course self-defense. But the power of the Turkish Islamic Union will be very splendid. In such an environment, neither the atheistic Zionist, nor the communist, nor the fascist, nor the PKK, nor this, nor that, nor the scum of the earth could shed blood, they cannot even make the slightest move, they cannot do anything. Consequently the matter would be solved fundamentally, would it not?  Yes it would. "Are not the Muslim kids sweet as they are being killed.." Why should the killing of the Muslim kids be sweet.. Furthermore the Muslim kids are not being killed, they are being martyred. You could not chose the right word in that either. The Muslim kids are being martyred and those who martyr Muslim kids are committing a sin. But it would not be acceptable if we go and attempt to martyr Jewish children because they martyr Muslim children. Isn't that so? Veli, as far as I understand you say that you are going to martyr Jewish children as revenge. May Allah deem you a saintly person as your name suggests, but this does not befit a saintly person. That would be an abnormal opinion. "All children are innocent, that is okay, we've got that.. " That is good, you've got that part right, ".. but why should we be this much tolerant towards the Jewish killers? " Where is it that you are being tolerant? Have you established the Turkish Islamic Union? There may be Jewish killers. But why are you not talking about Christian killers? Did not the Christian killers shed blood like streams in Iraq? Did they not shed blood in Afghanistan? You just get over those. You just are obsessed. I am the one who taught you the evils of atheistic Zionism. They didn't even know the first thing about Zionism before. I have written a book and they've learnt about Judaism and Freemasonry from me. They didn't know anything. I have taught them the symbols and everything. Now these rascals are attempting to advise me with what I have told them. I have been talking about the atheistic Zionist danger. We are broadcasting those in televisions night and day. A9 TV is broadcasting the dangers of the atheistic freemasonry day and night, the danger of atheistic Zionism is being broadcasted. I am explaining those to them and they come up and explain those I have been telling to me.  That is not being tolerant to the killer, there is tolerance to the persecuted ones. Actually that is not tolerance. Do you know what is called tolerance? The man commits a crime and you turn a blind eye to dat. That is not being tolerant. That has nothing to do with being tolerant. That is protecting and watching over. That is compassion. We protect and watch over those who are persecuted. And the killers would be neutralized by the Turkish Islamic Union.  There will be no killers left, they will all be lost, there will be no such issue. That cannot be ensured by saying "damn Zionism". You establish the Unity of Islam, the matter would then be solved and you wouldn't have to tear your throat out. There is no need to scream out like that. You just establish the Unity of Islam, let the Turkish Islamic Union be formed, atheistic Zionism would then be solved fundamentally, there would not be such a thing. I mean all the isms would then be solved fundamentally anyway. That is not solved by making a commotion. According to your explanations the matter is left unsolved. Saying "Damn Zionism". The man would go and smash your face. Iraq was screaming out saying "Damn Zionism" and they raised a cloud of dust on them.  Then they started to sell Marlboro to these soldiers, they started to sell women to the America soldiers, they've started to act like perverts. The same thing happened in Afghanistan, they started to sell cartoons of Marlboro, hashish, those who screamed out saying "Damn Zionism" became the hashish dealers. It does not work by saying Damn Zionism. We need to establish the structure of compassion and mercy that would eliminate this system. That can be done with the Turkish Islamic Union, with the Unity of Islam. My brother, when you have a system that would solve the matter fundamentally, even though you know that you cannot attain results with screaming out from the sidelines, who needs such an attitude? Have I ever said that the killers should be forgiven? The award for the killer is apparent. But if the family wishes so, they might forgive, that is how it is according to Islam. According to the laws of the state, the state might forgive if so wishes, so can the individuals, insha'Allah. 

All children are born upon the Islamic nature. I mean children are Muslims by birth. When little children die they do not go to Hell, they go to the Heaven. That is because they are innocent insha'Allah. That is why if they are murdered, they would be martyred, insha'Allah. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says this, you can see this in the Risale-i Nur Collection insha'allah. That is because they are innocent. That is a kid born on the Islamic nature, an innocent, a Muslim. They switch to another religion afterwards. Normally when a child is newly born, he is a Muslim. But some people might say "they are unbelievers, you should slaughter them strangle them."

In short we are defending the system of the Mahdi. In the system of the Mahdi there will be no problem that could be named Zionism. There will be no philosophy to be called atheistic Zionism. There will be no fascism, no communism, no PKK. We are just explaining whatever it is the system of the Mahdi is explaining. When the system of the Mahdi comes, compassion and wellbeing will prevail. Massacres will come to an end, blood will come to an end. Look the name of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the one stopping the bloodshed.  When the bloodshed is stopped, can the atheistic Zionism shed blood then? How could he? How could you not think about this Veli, I fail to understand you. At the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) the matter would be closed fundamentally, insha'Allah.  

How world politicians have been influenced by the Atlas of Creation

How world politicians have been influenced by the Atlas of Creation
(Press conference during ifthar in Çırağan Palace, September 18th, 2008)

ADNAN OKTAR: However, I can say a few things for our foreign guests. I sent Nicolas Sarkozy a copy of my Atlas of Creation. And one to Tony Blair. Both were very well influenced by it. Both have had serious changes of mind. Sarkozy, for instance, says: “It is atheism that has caused suffering, not religion. It is Almighty Allah in everyone’s thoughts and hearts.” How perfect. Tony Blair has said: “You cannot understand the modern world without understanding the importance of religious belief. Protect religion and help make it a force for good.” In another interview he said that he, “read the Qur’an in the evenings and has given copies of the Qur’an to famous performers.” These are just a few of the excellent results from the Atlas. Jacques Chirac sent me a letter of thanks. He sent me a letter of congratulations saying he found my book very attractive and successful. If there are no other questions I am now closing the meeting, with your permission, insha’Allah. 

Darwinism has collapsed despite the official protection all over the world

Darwinism has collapsed despite the official protection all over the world
 (Press conference during ifthar in Çırağan Palace, September 18th, 2008) 

REPORTER-INTERPRETER: There is confusion about what Darwinism is. What is your view of it? What does Darwinism mean to you?
ADNAN OKTAR: Darwinism is a pagan belief that has been around since Sumerian times. It is a very ordinary idea. There is no scientific evidence for it. Not a single transitional form fossil has ever been found. I have even said I will give 10 trillion [Turkish lira] to anyone coming up with a single such fossil. I mean I said I will give 10 trillions to the person bringing me a fossil that will prove Darwinism right, that could be seen as an evidence on that point. My offer still stands valid. Nobody has so far presented one, and I am still waiting. On the other hand, however, there are 100 million fossils that prove Creation. One hundred million. What more need be said?
Darwinism is a specious belief. It is maintained under official protection across the world. Take that official protection away, and Darwinism will be unable to survive a week or 10 days. I look at the opinion polls; take Switzerland. A report in the Swiss magazine Factum said that the Swiss public want creation to be taught in schools. A poll in the famous daily Blick put the level of belief in Creation at 85%. A poll by Science Actualites in France put the level of people believing in evolution at 5%, with 92% believing in Creation. Anyone can see these on the internet. According to a survey by the famous German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, 85% of people believe that man is the work of a Creator. These are developments following in the wake of the arrival of the Atlas of Creation in Europe. There has been extraordinary progress. This shows that the people of Europe are by nature predisposed to the truth, to honesty. I congratulate them on that. For example, in a poll by Die Welt, one of Germany’s main dailies, 86% of respondents answered the question how life emerged by saying that Allah created it. You can see that on the internet. A report in the Belgian newspaper De Morgen stated that over 8 out of 10 Muslim students think that evolution is total nonsense. It is the same in other papers. It is the same in Denmark. For instance, 88% of people in Denmark say no when asked if they think that human beings are descended from apes. This is on the daily Ekstra Bladet web site. Anyone who wants to can see it. It has had a huge impact in Europe. We can see this from Tony Blair’s statements. We can see the powerful impact in France from people at the head of the state there. There is really perfect progress.

Science means free thinking; it is very wrong to pressurize scientists

Science means free thinking; it is very wrong to pressurize scientists
(Press conference during ifthar in Çırağan Palace, September 18th, 2008)

REPORTER-INTERPRETER: There is recently strong criticism in United Kingdom of Islamic creationism being included in education. May I learn your views on this? And what do you think of the situation in Turkey?
ADNAN OKTAR: I have long been a supporter of freedom of ideas. The idea of creation is a scholarly, rational and scientific one. It is not a fictitious claim, in other words. There are 100 million fossils in existence. All of these fossils are of such a kind as to prove creation. But they were hidden away. And that is a scandal. A scientific scandal. Many fossils dating back to the Cambrian Period were hidden away in store rooms. This is an accepted fact, not something denied. The fraudulent nature of the skulls has emerged, and this is also admitted. It has been scientifically demonstrated that a protein cannot come into being by chance. And that is admitted. Yet to try to prevent mention of these, to keep them hidden away, in the face of all this is a violation of science. Science means free thinking. It is very, very wrong to pressurize scientists, to implement such a dictatorial system as Darwinism or to behave in such a way as to inflict a Darwinist dictatorship on the world. I think that scientists removed from their posts should be restored to their posts. This is very unattractive. This has also happened in Turkey. Let there be as much freedom of thought as possible, and let Darwinists be free to express all their ideas. And let the proponents of creation exhibit all their scientific evidence.

Mr. Adnan Oktar: 'Let us come to a common word; to oneness of Allah'



(November 21, 2008)

ADNAN OKTAR: The Turkish-Islamic Union is in any case international. Something between brothers, let us say. Of course we hope to reach all the Turkic states and all Islamic countries,but Christians and Jews are entrusted to us by Allah. I feel a deep love, respect and desire to protect them. That is why I am especially keen for Armenia to be part of the Turkish-Islamic Union. I particularly want Israel to be in it. I want them to see the love, concern, interest, support and help they will be shown, how freely they will be able to live, and in what a friendly and warm manner they will be treated, insha’Allah. Look, the Jews have been faithful to the Prophet Moses (pbuh) for thousands of years. This is a most excellent thing. But they do not know. They may not have realized. They may not have understood the Qur’an. They are trying to incite people against the Qur’an. But everything began to change once they realized and understood. They began to understand the false nature of belief in the trinity. They Jews began having a better understanding of the conception of the Hereafter. It used to be in the Torah, but they took it out. Yet belief in the Hereafter can still be seen in the Torah. They began to strengthen that belief under the influence of the Qur’an. As these people were told about Islam and the Qur’an they at least began amending their polytheism and other false aspects. That is a great success and blessing. In one verse Almighty Allah tells us to “unite around a single word, the oneness of Allah...” That is the call we are making to them, and they are our brothers. Theirs is an old Islam, but has been corrupted. But that is an old form of Islam and they are the People of the Book. They are therefore people with at least as much right to love, respect and protection as Muslims. They will therefore live in peace and security.

The meeting of the representatives of Mr.Adnan Oktar with the Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar

The meeting of the representatives of Mr.Adnan Oktar with the Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated September 14th, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: There was a photo, a document about the Chief Rabbi of Israel..

MS.BETUL: Yes of course Master.

ADNAN OKTAR: Yes, that is it. Yes..

MS.BETUL: Today our friends Mr.Oktar and Mr. Cihat had met with Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar, insha'Allah. He had stated that he would very gladly accept the invitation you extended to him to come to Istanbul and he had conveyed his greetings to you Master. He had stated that he will get in touch with the related authorities in the soonest possibility to get the necessary permit to realize this visit because he has to receive the approval of the Israeli government. Our friends had presented your books to him as gifts and talked to him about the fact that the Turkish Islamic Union will be the guarantee for Israel and that Israel should attach importance to the King Messiah (pbuh) and many other matters. Let me show their pictures, with your permission.

The Chief Rabbi Amar affirmingly and gladly listened all these and said that he had seen a radiant light in the faces of our friends visiting him as your representative MashaAllah.

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah. That is nice.. And we do feel compassion for them and we want their wellbeing, we want them to live in prosperity, in beauty and in peace within the region. Let them perform their religious observances in comfort, let them engage in trade as they like, let them live there in goodness. Our Palestinian brothers as well; let the Palestinian children wander around as they like, let the youngsters perform their religious observances there as ever they like, let them enjoy themselves. All that region belongs to them, insha'Allah. We will ensure this beauty insha'Allah. The prisons will be emptied insha'Allah.  There will be no one left in the prisons except those who have murdered another or who have severely injured another. That is from the hadith of our Prophet (saas) . Everyone will enjoy democracy and freedom in the full meaning of the word, in peace, in security and in freedom. The splendid spirit, the beautiful spirit, the pleasant spirit of Islam will pervade all around like the beautiful scent of the roses insha'Allah. Insha'Allah we are inviting both the Chief Rabbi and the Minister of Internal Affairs [of Israel] as our guest. We will again be in an effort that would be calming and compassionate; an effort that would enable peace and aim beauty, friendship and companionship insha'Allah.  

The PKK is a Marxist-Leninist and Stalinist communist organization

The PKK terror going on in the southeast of Turkey today is actually communist terror in the flesh. Statements by the head of the separatist organization make this perfectly clear.
For example, in his message to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of the separatist organization, its leader said:
“As the best answer to those who say, ‘Socialism has collapsed, communism has collapsed’ we are saying, ‘On the contrary, THE MOST POWERFUL, TRUEST AND GREATEST FORM OF COMMUNISM HAS TAKEN PLACE IN THE PKK.’”
A speech on May 1, 1982, represents one of the many occasions on which the leader of the separatist organization openly states that the PKK is a Marxist-Leninist organization:
"No matter what unsuitable conditions it may live under, IT MUST BE BASED on the objective force of the working class, and ON MARXISM-LENINISM, its science and guide to action; AND NOTE THAT THE REASON FOR OUR EXISTENCE IS TOTALLY GROUNDED IN THAT FACT... If those tribal walls, those feudal fences had not been breached, MARXISM-LENINISM, THE MODERN AND THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY WAY OF THINKING would never have entered our heads.”
They themselves say that their party is a communist party, and all the laws of communism are set out and clarified in the party constitution. They make communist propaganda day and night. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on June 16, 2010, on Samsun Aks and TV Kayseri)
Every action, every slogan and every declaration by the terrorist organization is communist. Striking statements at the organization’s founding conference and on its web site makes their devotion to Marxism perfectly clear
"MARXIST-LENINIST THEORY MUST BE TAKEN TO HEART. Leading cadres must frequently refer to Marxism, they must take that teaching to heart in order to make the implementation of Marxism their starting point... WE WILL ADOPT SOCIALISM RATHER AS A GUIDE TO ACTION IN THE RESOLUTION OF THE POLITICAL PROBLEM. As the representatives of such a teaching, and the adherents of such a teaching, we shall do our duty by applying it, as the most important precondition of the teaching, to the question of the political administration of the country and AS A MEANS OF and guide to BRINGING DOWN THE EXISTING ADMINISTRATION.”
Adnan Oktar: … PKK terrorism in Turkey is one of the major communist uprisings in the world today. It is the greatest communist uprising in the history of the Turkish Republic. It is a Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist uprising... (From Mr. Adnan Oktar’s interview on July 21, 2008, on Amasya TV)
The fact that the organization has a Marxist-Leninist structure is made clear both in indictments by prosecutors and in Turkish Intelligence MIT reports and in rulings by the courts. Indeed, the fact that for many years the organization used the hammer and sickle motif, the best known symbol of communism, on its flag is sufficient proof of this. The emblem was then altered by the organization for strategic and tactical reasons.
Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the separatist organization, says that the PKK’s ideological foundation is based on Marxism and Leninism in another statement:
“The PKK has experienced a development in line with the Marxist-Leninist tradition. It is clear that from then on it will take shape on the basis of that legacy, which is inseparable in the way that flesh is joined to bone.” (Kurdistan’da Halk Kahramanligi [Popular Heroism in Kurdistan], Istanbul, March 2004, p. 78)
“LENIN REPRESENTED IT IN THE 1900S, AND I REPRESENT THE 21ST-CENTURY SOCIALISM, and I am building the new socialism by fighting real socialism and imperialism.” (Ozgur Yasamla Diyaloglar [Dialogues with Free Life], p. 201)
Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] does what Lenin said. The communists in the southeast are doing what Lenin said. It is a religion and they are applying that religion. They are observing the practices of the Marxist-Leninist religion. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on July 1, 2011, on A9 TV and Kaçkar TV; 00:30)
Öcalan, the separatist leader, praises the bloodthirsty communist leaders who slaughtered millions of people:
"THE HEROES OF THE PROLETARIAT, MARX AND ENGELS. ITS THEORETICAL AND POLITICAL GENIUS, LENIN, and ITS PRACTICAL MASTERS, STALIN, HO CHI MINH AND MAO. And many national and internationalist heroes marching under their leadership. These great heroes who stir up and organize mankind’s consciousness of freedom, and produce the armies known as people’s armies, occupy a truly great place in the history of mankind.” (Kurdistan’da Halk Kahramanligi [Popular Heroism in Kurdistan], p. 87)
Like the communist leaders he so admires, the leader of the separatist organization ruthlessly resorts to violence and terror. Because that is what Marxism, Leninism and Darwinism they base their ideology on command. Lenin explicitly stated that terror is an inseparable component of communist ideology:
“The phenomenon in which we are interested is THE ARMED STRUGGLE. It is conducted by individuals and by small groups. ... Armed struggle pursues two different aims, which must be strictly distinguished: in the first place, THIS STRUGGLE AIMS AT ASSASSINATING INDIVIDUALS, CHIEFS AND SUBORDINATES IN THE ARMY AND POLICE; in the second place, it aims at the confiscation of monetary funds both from the government and from private persons.” (V. I. Lenin, September 30, 1906, Proletary, No. 5)
In other words, he says, of course we will bomb everywhere, kill people and shed blood, and asks, “is this not what communism necessitates?” (From. Mr. Adnan Oktar’s interview on June 25, 2010, on Kocaeli TV)
Lenin describes how indispensible terror and anarchy are for communism again in another passage:
"WE CANNOT REJECT TERROR, as it is the one form of military action which may be perfectly suitable or even essential at a definite juncture in battle.” (V. I. Lenin: "Where to Begin," in Collected Works, Volume 5, Moscow, 1961, p. 19)
What does Lenin say? He says there is but one way for Marxism, Leninism to be put into practice, only one way. By terror, he says. Violence. Revolutionary violence, meaning communist violence. He says it is not possible for communism to spread over the world without terror. It cannot spread without violence, he says. He says you cannot establish the dictatorship of the proletariat without killing police and gendarmes, bombing police stations, robbing banks and breaking into rich people's homes, killing them and stealing their money. He says the only way to the dictatorship of the proletariat, for communism to grow, for a Marxist, communist movement to grow, is through terror. He says that if you do the opposite, you are deviating from the Marxist, Leninist line. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on June 16, 2010, on Samsun Aks and TV Kayseri)
The PKK primarily teaches those it will raise as terrorists dialectical materialism, and Darwinism, the basis of this philosophy. There is no ethnic movement here, only a communist and irreligious one. The impression of Kurdish nationalism is entirely intended to mislead the people of the region. That is why a very powerful anti-Darwinist, anti-materialist and anti-communist intellectual propaganda in all of Turkey is so necessary. There can be no materialism where there is no Darwinism. And there can be no communism where there is no materialism. There can be no PKK where there is no communism. The solution to the PKK is the elimination of Darwinism, materialism and communism.
There is one solution: anti-materialist and anti-communist scientific activity. Once that is done, the communists’ jugular vein will be ripped open. What is the solution to an ideology? Eliminating the ideology. The only answer is to eliminate the belief. And that requires scientific activity. It will totally resolve the issue and end it. In a very short space of time. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on August 3, 2011)

They seek a solution to terror, to the PKK. There are 100 diseases, but only one cure. The whole world is now sick. But it can be cured with one single medicine. These 100 diseases will all disappear when a Turkish-Islamic Union is established. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on August 6, 2011)

Dajjal has appeared and at work




Lessons from Suleymaniye Mosque: “He [the Dajjal] appears when there is great disorder and confusion among people, in the Islamic world, disorder among Muslims. There are no such times now, praise be to Allah. Muslims are respected wherever you go.”



Nihat Hatipoğlu: “Neither the dajjal is here today, nor the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), nor Gog and Magog, nor any great portents, nor the Dabbat al-Ardh, so why should the Mahdi exist?


Lessons from Suleymaniye Mosque: “Why? Those are the  days of disaster, days when people will seek burrows to hide in, look, praise be to Allah, look, we are talking, we are reading the hadiths and praying, so it is not that close at hand.”

Are the ongoing efforts to crush, persecute and eliminate Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Algeria, Tunisia, Eritrea, Egypt, Kashmir, East Turkestan, Chechnya, Thailand, the Philippines, Burma and Sudan not enough?


“Rockets fell from on high and burned and destroyed everything we had inside. Why did they do that? Our possessions and toys were in there, but they all burned. Why did they do that? They demolish our homes and keep killing us. Look, our possessions all smell burned. Look, what difference is there between inside and outside? We are at home but there is no comfort here. We do not feel safe.”

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan:
What reason could you have for not fighting in the Way of Allah – for those men, women and children who are oppressed and say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city whose inhabitants are wrongdoers! Give us a protector from You! Give us a helper from You!”? (Surat an-Nisa’, 75)

The bolas spider that hunds by lassoing its prey


People generally think of spiders as hunting for their prey by building webs.
However, the Bolas spider’s hunting technique is quite extraordinary. It first produces a thread stronger than silk inside its own body. It then places very powerful and sticky droplets on the end of this thread. It then dangles the thread from a tree, rather like a fishing rod, and begins patiently waiting for its prey. It also employs a miraculous tactic to attract its prey toward it. It manufactures a scent in its body and then releases it! How? 

Female moths release a special scent hormone known as a pheromone to attract males. Bolas spiders replicate this scent and place it at the edge of the lure. In addition, they can change this pheromone to match the features of other insect species. Deceived, the male moth heads in the direction the scent comes from. When the moth approaches, the spider places the lasso on its two front feet and casts it, faster than the human eye can see. Thus, its weapon reminds one of a cowboy's lasso The sticky tip flies through the air and sticks to the moth’s body, and the prey is caught. The adhesive substance sticks to the moth’s body and the insect is reeled in. The fine but very strong thread can easily carry living things much heavier than itself at its tip. The Bolas spider wraps the moth up in a special silk it produces. The distinguishing feature of this silk is that it keeps the food fresh for a long time. The spider thus keeps its prey fresh to be consumed at a later time.
Its marvelous plan has worked.

There is another point to bear in mind here.

The Bolas spider is practically blind. Yes, that’s right! Spiders’ eyesight is very poor, but they can perceive the vibrations caused by insects when they fly. Although the Bolas spider is almost blind , it can catch a flying insect with the help of the lasso it makes itself hanging suspended in the air. This is an obvious miracle.
Let us now review what the Bolas did in order to hunt, step by step:






Almighty Allah, Lord of the universe and all living things, once again shows us His sublime and unique creative artistry in this spider.

The way that every spider ever born knows the hunting techniques employed by its own species is a miracle all by itself. For example, this Bolas spider made its first lasso when it was still a baby; at that time, it is smaller  than a fingertip. The lasso is smaller than a pinhead. But it knows just what it has to do.
There is no doubt that this ability to spin webs and set traps shows that spiders are “inspired.” It is without doubt Almighty Allah, Lord of all the worlds, Who creates these creatures with these wondrous characteristics and inspires in them all they do.

I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan-

I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight Path. (Surah Hud, 56)

We want Armenians to take their place in the Turkish-Islamic Union

(Press conference during ifthar in Çırağan Palace, September 18th, 2008)

REPORTER: You always support peace in the region and in the world. Turkish President Gül recently went to Armenia. Turkey has a Caucasian Alliance suggestion for the region. How do you evaluate this suggestion?
ADNAN OKTAR: Superb, an excellent initiative. The Armenians are our friends and brothers, our former loyal brothers. As you know, they used to be known as the Loyal Nation. They were called the Loyal Nation in Ottoman times. We want to go back to those happy times. We really want to embrace them, improve our brotherhood, and even eliminate the borders between us and, insha’Allah, for them to take their place in the Turkish-Islamic Union. Our president’s initiative was a very good and auspicious initiative, insha’Allah. And insha’Allah it will continue. It will turn into full friendship, full dialogue and full brotherhood. These genocide claims and territorial demands are exceedingly inappropriate and unnecessary. These are ideas left over from the past. We want the best for them. And we hope they will wish the best for us. Let us now be friends and brothers. Let us co-operate in business, industry, culture, science and everything. Let us live happily and in peace.

There can be no hypocrisy under secularism

There can be no hypocrisy under secularism
 (Abu Dhabi TV, February 19th, 2009)

REPORTER: Everyone knows Turkey is a secular state, some Westerners say it will turn into an Islamic state in 2015-2020. Do you agree?

ADNAN OKTAR: Turkey will always be a secular state. It is useful for it to be secular, and it will remain secular in the future. There can be no hypocrisy under secularism. That is the excellent aspect of secularism; it puts an end to hypocrisy, the greatest danger for Muslims and the worst disaster. Muslims have a duty to desire a system that puts a stop to hypocrisy. This is also part of the moral values of the Qur'an. The reference in the Qur'an to "there is no compulsion in the religion" is a reference to secularism. Christians will worship as they wish and Muslims perform their religious obligations as they wish, while Jews behave how they wish, and atheists and masons live by their own beliefs. But the state will intervene if they try to harm anyone else. But there is no interference in ideas; that is one feature of the secular state. That is why it is so important for Turkey to remain secular.

The Turkish-Islamic Union means salvation for the whole world

The Turkish-Islamic Union means salvation for the whole world
(Abu Dhabi TV, February 19th, 2009)

REPORTER: So it would seem from what you say that the Turks will be Muslims' leaders in the future. Do you not think other Muslims, Arabs, might not oppose this?

ADNAN OKTAR: They have no other option. Syria wants to unite with Turkey, and Iraq. And if Syria and Iraq want it, so will everyone else. Azerbaijan wants it, and Armenia wants to unite with Turkey. Georgia wants it, so what else needs to be done? It is a union that will also include Lithuania. It will be a union that includes Lithuania, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and East Turkestan and all of them. As far as Libya. A Turkish-Islamic Union will emerge that stretches as far as the coast and interior of Africa. Turkey has prior experience, experience from the Ottoman Empire. And this time round, the errors of the Ottomans will not be repeated. The perfect aspects of the Ottomans will be adopted, but not their errors or deficient aspects, and a perfect union will result. This also means salvation for America and China and Russia. It means salvation for Israel and for the whole world. Thanks to it, the EU will be very rich, and will be stronger and able to be at ease. Because we have all the oil and minerals. They are all in Turkish-Islamic countries; we have all the underground resources. We will sell them all those riches, and we will use them and build facilities, and we will construct civilizations, and they will be at ease, and so will we, insha'Allah.

REPORTER: Some politicians say the future belongs to China, or that India will be the leader. That America and the EU will fall. But you say the Turks will be the leader. What makes you say that?

ADNAN OKTAR: China has currently struck rock bottom because of the economic crisis, it has lost all its strength. That means it needs Europe and America, and since Europe and America will collapse, China will collapse, too, and when you cut two legs off a table the whole thing collapses, the third and fourth legs, as well. That is why China needs Europe and America. But the Turkish-Islamic Union is not a country in need of anywhere; it is on lands with wealthy resources, with a workforce and a young population, a dynamic and active population. And it is developing, it has not fully grown. It is like a 9-year-old child, vigorous. But Europe has grown old, and is in its 70s, while America is 50-60 years of age, about to enter old age.

Adnan Oktar: EU will join the Turkish-Islamic Union

Adnan Oktar: EU will join the Turkish-Islamic Union 
(Abu Dhabi TV, February 19th, 2009)

 REPORTER: Turkey has been working hard for many years. It wants to join the European Union. This has become Turkey's dream. Do you think that dream can come true one day?

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course this dream will come true, but in this way: Turkey will establish the Turkish-Islamic Union, it will be a strong structure, and it will be the world's richest, most powerful, most prosperous and most advanced, in terms of art and science, country in the world. Turkey will be the leader of a great Turkish Union, a great Turkish-Islamic Union. We will admit the EU into our own union. We will admit the EU into the Turkish-Islamic Union. In other words, we will not join the EU. The EU will join the community established by us, insha'Allah.


ADNAN OKTAR: It is very easy. They expect us to be one of their members, but they will become one of ours. Simple as that, and much better. Instead of us being their guest, they will be ours. There is nothing complicated about it.

REPORTER: It has given Turkey a waiting time of 15 years. But you say that the EU will join the Islamic Union. Is that possible?

ADNAN OKTAR: Come and look me up if it doesn't happen in the next 15 years. It will definitely happen, 100%, and you will see it. That is destiny, and it is set out in the hadith. The time has come and, by Allah's leave, nobody can stop it. It will happen, that is 100% certain.

REPORTER: Do you have any evidence of that?

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course. There are very detailed statements by our Prophet (saas) concerning the End Times. In the hadith it is said that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will appear in the End Times and that the Prophet Jesus will return, and all the portents of this have come about. The hadith of our Prophet (saas) known as weak hadith, invalid hadith, have come true and have turned out to be reliable. If a hadith comes true, it must therefore be totally reliable. For example, our Prophet (saas) says there will be two solar eclipses in the month of Ramadan; that happened in 1981 and 1982. He says there will be war between Iran and Iraq in the same period, and he says all these things will happen at around the same time, one after the other like the beads on a necklace. War between Iran and Iraq broke out in October 1980. Our Prophet (saas) says Afghanistan will be occupied, and that happened in 1979. He says the waters of the Euphrates will be stopped, and that happened. Our Prophet (saas) says there will be bloodshed and anarchy in the same place, and that happened. PKK terror is still going on. He says there will be eclipses of the Sun and Moon in Ramadan and in 1981 there was a lunar eclipse on the 15th day of Ramadan and a solar eclipse on the 29th day. In 1982 there was lunar eclipse on 14th day of Ramadan and solar eclipse on the 28th day. These occurred one after the other. A comet appeared in 1986, Halley's comet. An attack on and bloodshed at the Kaaba, that happened in November 1979, with 402 people killed during the slaughter. Our Prophet (saas) informed of this and it came to happen exactly the same way. A sign in the Sun, and there was a great sunburst in 1996, the greatest of the last century. The disappearance of an army. The Iraqi Army vanished in the desert in the Iraq War of 2003. The devastation in flames of Baghdad, and that happened in the Iraq War in 2003. A corruption of smoke and dust, that happened on September 11, 2001. Our Prophet (saas) says that Iraq will be reconstructed. That has happened. He says the Iraqi unit of currency will no longer be valid, and that also happened. Winds and storms, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Ike in 2008. And it is still going on. There are nearly 300 accounts, and they have all come about.