Bir İnsanın İmanını Kurtarmak, Onu Ölümden Kurtarmaktır (English Subtitles)

Salvaging a person's faith is like saving that person from death

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV and Kackar TV dated July 20th, 2011 

ALTUĞ BERKER: Our Prophet (saas), while talking with Abu Hurairah about the community that will come in the End Times, commanded as follows; "O Abu Hurairah! By getting into a hard and difficult path, this community will attain the degree of the Prophets." 

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah. Explain that a little bit.

ALTUĞ BERKER: Astagfirullah. Our Prophet (saas) stated that there will be no greater dissension than the dajjal (anti-messiah) in the End Times. Consequently our Prophet (saas) stated that the Muslims in the End Times, that community, the community of the End Times will attain merits equivalent to fifty Companions. Here our Prophet (saas) stated that they will have a dignity by comparing them with the Prophets.  

ADNAN OKTAR: Read it again..

ALTUĞ BERKER: "O Abu Hurairah! By getting into a hard and difficult path, this community will attain the degree of the Prophets." 

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah, the students of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), yes masha'Allah. 

ALTUĞ BERKER: Our Prophet (saas) has commanded Hazrat Ali (ra) to preach religion to the People of the Book.  Our Prophet (saas) while preparing the Islam army for the conquest of Khaybar gave the flag to Hazrat Ali (ra) and said; "O Ali! Walk slowly towards them, then call them to Islam and tell them about the divine rights that are necessary for them. By Allah, being instrumental for Allah guiding a person to the true path is much better for you than possessing herds of red camels."

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course, salvaging a person's faith is like saving that person from death insha'Allah. And it is a perfect act of worship that brings many merits, insha'Allah. 

ALTUĞ BERKER: You have said the following Master; "Fear makes a person ill; people are afraid of everything. The human soul is weak. In a verse Allah says; "Man is created weak." A person cannot handle that much pressure. May Allah forbid his foresight would be blocked, his perception would be impaired, his strength would be lost; for that reason freedom is the essence, democracy is the essense. In a secular environment, in a kind environment everyone is obliged to voice candid and sincere thoughts. But insults grate, abusive language grates, assaults grate; these are indecency, unjustness. Of course these should be stopped." Insha'Allah.

ADNAN OKTAR:Yes.. There is nothing intricate, there is a short period of test in this world. Everyone has to be good and smart, everyone has to be good mannered. The existence of Allah is explicitly seen, it is very obvious. One needs to be with Allah constantly, one should never forget Allah.  One needs to be praying all the time in his heart. One should ask for all his needs from Allah by embracing all the means. He should always see Allah with good intentions, one should be very careful about that; I mean he should always look at things with goodness, he should always see things with beauty. One should think that whatever happens, it will be for the best. If we approach things with this frame of mind, with this attitute, both this world and the Hereafter will be very beautiful for us insha'Allah. 

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